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Wednesday, September 12, 2012

The Devotional - A Look at the Book #791

by Jesse Abel

A Word from Papa “J”
Today is a good day to plan for the coming year, get a wall calendar, maybe one with pictures of Creation, or one with Children playing. These are small but awesome reminders that in the event of suffering; God is always in absolute and perfect control and the Day of the LORD is at hand. Isaiah 11:6-9
Good Morning

Ever go to a class reunion or some other gathering of people whom you’ve not seen for a long period of time? I would hope that you have because the need of a re-gathering of friends and family is most always a nice event.

In Matthew 6:13 and in the conclusion of the LORD’s instruction on prayer He instructs His disciples to reflect on the dominion of Power and Glory that belongs to God who is willing to share this eternal destiny with His children.

We should notice this: the prayer begins with a Praise directed at our Father who is Holy. The prayer also acknowledges the Plan of God’s will; the Provision of God to meet our needs. The Pardon of God available to those who believe in Jesus. The Protection of the LORD to keep us from evil and the coming Purpose that God has for His children.

This prayer does not have to be prayed verbatim, it is simply an outline that when thought of can expand into a full day of prayer, in other words we should always be praising God as we await the coming of the Bridegroom. John 3:29 we should always acknowledge that God is meeting our every need and since He does we should know that the best is yet to come. Hebrews 11:30-40

We should seek to live in the greatness of the gospel of Jesus Christ since there is no other Plan, no other Name and no other pardon or purpose in life that is worthy of our time on this earth. Acts 4:12 so there is coming a day when the Trumpet shall sound and the dead in Christ shall be raised. Then we who are alive will be caught up with them and so we shall be with the LORD forever. 1 Thessalonians 4:13-18.

James M. Black once wrote this hymn: “When the roll is call up yonder” in the song is a word or two about TIME on earth giving way to an eternal day that never fades away. If you share in the resurrection of the LORD Jesus you will be in the Roll Call of the saints who will gather to their home beyond, the one that Jesus identifies in Matthew 6:13 as His Father’s having Power and Glory forever. If you have been forgiven don’t forget to be a person who forgives since it is crucial.

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