by Jesse Abel
A Word from Papa “J”
We humans have a helper whom must of us ignore! His Name is Jesus. All of creation abides under Him and His laws of Creation. The exception is you and me; when it comes to following Him, our human character has less integrity than the ant or the locust! Proverbs 30:24-28
Good Morning
Serving in the United States Navy was very good for me and when I think about it those twenty-nine years and ten months went by very quickly. I recall my first duty station; it was a shore station in Norfolk, VA. Called PAMI or the Personnel Accounting Machine Installation, today those same billets are called a PSA or Personnel Support Activity.
When I thought about this just a little, I thought it somewhat ironic that my first and last duty stations were the same, only the name was changed, but I am not sure that the name change was to protect the innocent, no one in the Navy is innocent as we shall soon see.
So from PAMI to PSA in a few short years; from a Seaman Apprentice to Senior Chief, the one to take orders as a clerk to the one who gives the orders as the Supply Officer. While stationed in Norfolk my father wanted all of his friends to believe I was on a man-of-war; you know, one of those fighting ships so he told them all that I was on the USS PAMI. Then while on leave his friends began asking me about the ship.
Not wanting to embarrass my dad, I went along with his LIE and as I carried on about the various types of guns and other activities a fighting ship might do, everyone seem intrigued and of course, I was too!
Among his friends was a recently retired sailor who came alongside and quietly said, “How do you get the USS PAMI to stay afloat with all that brick and mortar holding her together these days?” Then with a salty twinkle in his eye, he said; “you did a fine job covering your father there, no doubt you’ll go a long way in the Navy”.
There is coming a day when, at the Judgment Seat of Christ that question of integrity will be raised by the LORD and the cover up will be OVER! One thing we may overlook in chapter three of Ecclesiastes is that there is a time and a season for everything under the sun, but in all of those verses; Ecclesiastes 3:1-10 you will not find a season to lie since Solomon understood judgment, the judgment found in 2 Corinthians 5:8-11 works for believers in Jesus, while the judgment at the Great White Throne works for the unbelieving. Revelation 20:11-15.
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