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Tuesday, February 26, 2013

The Devotional - A Look at the Book #904

by Jesse Abel

Thoughts from Papa “J”
It is more tolerable for a stubborn horse and a dumb mule than it is for a fool. A slight touch of the whip will send the horse forward into battle and the bridle will guide the donkey to the command post. But the fool needs a rod of reproof and still he or she may not respond and go down in defeat. Proverbs 26:3-12
Good Morning
2 Corinthians 11:16-21– It is not hard for a writer to think that he or she is a fool and I like what the apostle Paul who wrote most of the epistles in the New Testament has to say about his speech. With all of my typos and words left out, I feel like a fool. Thus many times when confronted with a word or two left out of what I am seeking to say; I say, “go ahead, at least treat as a fool, so that I have something to boast a little about”.
Proof reading is not one of my strong suits. The truth is; I don’t even have a Sunday suit that I fit in any longer… it has shrunk! This is enough boasting in that it does not glorify the LORD, but is of the flesh. On the other hand, I am so excited about the Righteousness of Jesus Christ; in Him I can go to the Throne of God, Roman 13:11-14, but this grace does not stop here. While present in Christ with God the Father, I can speak to Him in the Power of the Holy Spirit. I cannot express to you the ‘JOY” of that season of time, you have to experience this for yourself. Scripture backup! Galatians 2:20 and Galatians 3:26Galatians 4:7.
Now there are a multitude of passages that present this fellowship with God, in Christ; and in the Spirit. But it would not do you much good if I checked it out and left you to just reading the passages. No I should not search out the matter for you, unless of course you are on welfare and do not speak English. If that is the case; email me and together we will search out the matter. The Living Word of God is just that; LIVING. God will use a verse of scripture to communicate to me concerning a certain thing, but most likely He will use another verse for you to get that same point across.
For example; the gospel message is the same for the Jew and the Greek, it is to everyone who believes in Jesus (personally). His Righteousness is revealed to the personal faith of the Jew (Israel) in the same manner as His Righteousness is revealed to the personal faith of the Greek (Gentile). It is the Power of God that brings salvation to everyone who believes. Romans 1:16-17, one person’s faith being from a Jewish background and another person’s faith being from a Gentile’s background. John 3:16 works for the one and Ephesians 2:8-9 works for the other.
If we cannot go before the Throne of grace and speak to God freely, then we must be in the flesh, because flesh and blood cannot inherit the kingdom of God, 1 Corinthians 15-50. To speak to God we must either be in our glorified state or in Christ’s Righteousness. Therefore no one in the flesh can stand in this unrighteousness (Isaiah 64:6) and expect God to hear his or her prayer. Now we know the mechanics of this with verses of scripture like Psalm 19:12-14 or Psalm 66:16-20, even 1 John 1:9. Yet we need to take serious our time at the Throne of God and go beyond those mechanical steps; by being in Christ and in the Power of the Holy Spirit.

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