by Jesse Abel
Thoughts from Papa “J”
Lips smoother than oil, Solomon is not talking about “slick lips” he is speaking of enticement. Lips that is sweet, yet bitter as wormwood, apsinthos in Greek and lahanaw in Hebrew (calamity or poison). To the Jew or Gentile who makes contact with these lips without repentance; they shall slip into the abyss. Proverbs 5:3-5
Good Morning
2 Corinthians 7:1 – Since there are no chapter and verse divisions in the original text; verse 1 of chapter 7 really ties into the context of chapter 6. In our churches today we are simply afraid of expressions like perfecting holiness and of spiritual powers.
We have good reason; since many people have abused the Living Word of God with interpretations that are false. Not false because of a simple misunderstanding, but false because these men and women have purposed in their heart to bend the scripture to fit or fulfill a sinful, even unlawful purpose.
So if spirituality and holiness was a pendulum, one could easily see that there is power in being spiritual and there is power in being holy. Let me illustrate the pendulum as everything on the left side as being false, everything in the middle as being perfect and everything on the right, just as false as that on the left.
When I was praying I thought; what a wonderful opportunity it is to come before the Throne of God and speak. I will never in time, understand the wonder of God; His perfect Character, observing the needy man or woman praying (speaking) to his or her Creator. Wow, emotions in my heart explode into tears of joy.
Then I thought, how LORD; how is it that you allow us to come to you and then I thought further. Each moment of our communication with God is in the Personal Righteousness of Christ our LORD and each expression of our lips is purified in the Power of the Holy Spirit. John 14:12-18 and Romans 8:26
For me; this is mature holiness and powerful spirituality. If I seek to be holy by putting on clothing of a certain type; like some cults or some religious practices promote then I am out of balance with scripture on the left hand side of the pendulum, or if I shun being holy because I am afraid of the word or refuse to be overly spiritual then I am on the right hand side of the pendulum and ineffective.
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