by Jesse Abel
Thoughts from Papa “J”
Some would argue that a person does not have a human spirit; these folks do doubt have seared their conscious. Solomon reminds us here in Proverbs 25:28 to reread his earlier statement in Proverbs 24:30-34. The slothful person is like the sluggard and the fool, who has no God and no purpose in life. Also this is a definition of apostasy as seen in today’s national economy; 1 Timothy 4:1-5
Good Morning
2 Corinthians 11:5-15 – Now here is one of those subjects that cause a lot of confusion in the church and I am sure that some who read these devotionals which are averaging between five and six hundred viewers daily are waiting to see what I may or may not say. So while I prepare to stir up a hornets nest by way of definition of who is an apostle and who is not, I will sound dogmatic. For to say (humanly speaking) who is an apostle and who is not, cannot be said unless you are and apostle and there is only One who speaks today. A hint – Hebrews 1:1-4
Therefore, since there is no living apostle this side of eternity we have to reference scripture, understand what scripture reveals and believe the scripture because scripture is the Living Word of God which is able to reveal everything we need to know that pertains to life and godliness. Notice what the apostle Peter has to say and how he directs our attention to faith in God; 2 Peter 1:1-4
Some will argue that we do not have an apostle today (this argument has no scriptural reference) and some argue that the lineage of apostleship has passed from pope to pope over the centuries based on two portions of scripture. Matthew 16:13-20 and John 21:15-19. Whatever side of the argument you choose to take; this is the material can promote and develop false doctrines of deceitful workers; those whom the apostle Paul identifies as false apostles.
Why should I feel led to say this (two reasons). One: if apostleship were to be handed down through time, then the apostle John qualifies (he, like Peter did not retire from ministry, as the world turns; this is big news today) but John lived longer and wrote the book of Revelation and yet today many religions and cults reject the book of Revelation.
Here is the rub! Apostleship, like all ministries is of Divine Ownership. Today our Apostle and High Priest is the LORD Jesus Christ. Notice Hebrews 3:1-6. The writer of Hebrews clearly compares the faithful household of Moses, the servant of God (Old Testament doctrine) with the faithful household of Jesus the Son of God (New Testament doctrine). He shows us plainly that while Moses still speaks, our faith in God now is to rest in the Son of God who is the Apostle and High Priest of our confession of faith. Hebrews 3:7-19.
If you are a partaker of this heavenly calling then you are confessing your faith in the One whose current ministry is to call you and me out of the world of false or counterfeit religions and doctrines developed by men and women whom the apostle Paul calls false and deceitful who cunningly transform their messages of darkness into light, partial truths (scripture out of context). Not that Spiritual Light that God promises His saints, but the light that seeks to confuse and defraud the religions of the world. Satan is the one who resembles an angel of light, he has many who follow him.
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