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Thursday, June 6, 2013

The Devotional - 050 - Rock, Paper, Scissors?

A Thought for the Day – 060 – Rock, Paper, Scissors?

Wisdom adds grief for the wise person in that the wise uses the eyes in his or her head. Solomon says that for the fool, he perceives everything through the darkness of his or her interior parts. Hmmm! I wonder where that is? Solomon also concludes that it matters little; whether you see it coming with your eyes are react to it from the seat of your pants, the same events in life happen to us all. A few years later it all drifts into vanity. Ecclesiastes 2:12-16

Comments and challenges

I know that many of us live to remember events of the past, you know like remembering the way it was by saying to someone; “ya know… back in the day, this road were on went up over that hill yonder, it was rerouted when the mayor of our little town decided that all the roads around town should be flat!” Of course this little statement is false, but it does demonstrate the wisdom of both the wise and the fool as well. It is not that the wise gets it right and the fool gets it wrong, because through the corridor of time both become vanity in the eyes of those who have to live with the results.


Solomon provides answers to our questions of living in that he looks at three main aspects of life that we sort of cycle through. Many of us do not pay attention to these cycles within ourselves but we are very tuned in to what is happening to the person next to us. For example; he says there are three observations from ones perspective that he observes. ONE: Wisdom; TWO: Madness, and: THREE: Folly. Ecclesiastes 2:12.


He reminds me of that game that most of us have played, “rock, paper, scissors” by saying that wisdom excels; darkness (madness) and folly, so wisdom is the principal thing, therefore get wisdom, Proverbs 4:7. Some of us might conclude with this thought; so what is the sense in living if the outcome of things does not matter? I mean if what I do doesn’t make a change; then why do anything at all?


These thoughts are very important. Physical life under the sun does matter but if you have not noticed; there are many young people today who have no purpose for living. They observe firsthand the wisdom, madness and folly of the fallen world around them. The broken home being #1 on the parade of ten platforms that are broken in this country and around the world. Want to know the other nine.


#2 – the human spirit; #3 – sexual relationships; #4 – advancing evil; #5 – Haters of God; #6 – civil disobedience; #7 – Parental disobedience; #8 – unloving relationships; #9 – unforgiving circumstances; and #10 – pending physical death (Romans 1). In this mindset there is no hope and no way out. For the young person the escape is to bypass these events of hopelessness by opting out to #10.


The suicide rate of young people is between seven and eight children per 100,000 per year from age ten to twenty-five. For an example of how many that is per year? Just in the United States alone in 2004 there were over 4,000 people who chose to end their life because the future to them was hopeless. Now WHY? It is because wisdom, madness and folly in our country is the hub mankind who has rejected God. Men and women professing to be wise without godly input, they became fools. Romans 1:22


As a man or woman, or better yet; as a nation of men, women and children we need to put on the brakes and stop our speeding vehicle of autonomous living and get rid of it. Then we need to do what Isaiah said to Israel in Isaiah 55:1-13. We need to return to God, instead of the thorn of our day we could have the cypress tree, instead of the brier bush to come up we can have the myrtle tree; all we need to do is turn to the Name that is above all names. JESUS, JESUS, JESUS the sweetest name you and I will ever know.


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