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Wednesday, June 26, 2013

The Devotional - 075 - Part Three

A Thought for the Day – 075 – Part Three

I would imagine that Solomon is one of my favorite writers; I seem to spend a lot of time searching out things in his books. I do not have any specific reasons although you might dream up a few of your own which is okay by me. But as I read the last verse in Ecclesiastes 5, I am reminded once again of two issues on Solomon’s mind. One: He is conscious of God’s involvement in the personal life of people, and Two: God loves to keep us busy with… joy of heart. So what is in your heart today?

Comments and challenges

Yesterday I wrote that mankind (you and me) have a sentence of death on our created physical being and over the last two days I have used scripture to back that up. In other words there is no way to get off of planet earth without the experience of dying; it is the penalty of SIN and whether we like this or not, it is Satan who has placed this barrier between physical life and spiritual life. This flesh and blood body of ours cannot inherit the kingdom of God, the apostle Paul in 1 Corinthians 15:50 makes this clear.

Notice with me if you will 1 Corinthians 15:56 – The sting of death is sin, and the strength of sin is the law. Now it is your turn to say; (Oh no, I keep the law; I do not steal, lie or commit adultery!) Good for you, but tell God that you love Him with your whole heart, mind and soul, do you not see that the selfish pride of saying that you do not steal, lie, or commit adultery omits the first five commandments which need to be in place before the other five can be fulfilled. Deuteronomy 5:5-22; note also Matthew 22:36-40. In the Matthew passage the Pharisee lawyer was seeking to trip Jesus up with words, only to find out that Jesus did not trip over this challenge, but the Pharisee did, as do we when we seek to keep a part of the law and ignore the rest. (You and I cannot fulfill this love of God this way; not without the Spirit of God living in us).

God, knowing the fallen condition of mankind, placed His own Son (Jesus Christ) as the ONE sacrifice that is ALL sufficient for ALL sin; THIS ACTION of God cannot be explained in natural terms, it is a supernatural event, a ONE time event in the history of the God’s created world. His one-time sacrifice is sufficient for the everyday occurrence for the sins of all of the yesterdays the world has ever experienced. His onetime sacrifice is all sufficient for all of the sin which will be committed today and His onetime sacrifice is sufficient for all of the sins that will be experienced in all of the future of life on earth.

Now in my little mind… this is POWER! The life of God’s SON who takes away the STING of DEATH also rose from the dead on the third day after dying this sacrificial death, HE ROSE FROM THE DEAD. 1 Corinthians 15:1-58 is a very good read on this. Are you not glad that your soul belongs to God and longs to be restored to the LIVING GOD, Psalm 42:1-11 and Ecclesiastes 3:11.

Now I know that many of you who read this are saved and this is sort of like preaching to the choir (whatever we have meant that to be), but there are many of folks out there who get this devotional who are religious, trapped in some religion that is doom to go into hell, some of these folks believe that this is okay because they will be prayed out of this darkness by the remaining parishioners.

Now; for that verse in 1 Corinthians 15, the one that these folks cling to (1 Corinthians 15:29) the apostle is not affirming or confirming that we can pray people out of the abyss, purgatory or any other “holding tank” that God is said to have set aside for people who partially keep His Commandments. The apostle is saying; that these people who do such a thing know that there is going to be a resurrection in the final day and that they are seeking to circumvent the power of God in the Resurrection of Jesus Christ, seeking to override God’s standard of Righteousness by their own standard of righteousness. In other words these folks deny the power of God by rejecting the Risen Savior.

There will be a Part Four; I have yet to talk clearly about the Holy Spirit and His work of Regeneration. This is like teaching the epistle of Galatians… (a personal pun) it seems to never end, then again why should it? Since this is an everlasting or eternal subject. The subject: Jesus Christ who fulfills the Law, Matthew 5:17-20.

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