A Thought for the Day – 071 – One loose brick too
Religion does not produce Faith in God, notice: Your Hands have made me
and fashioned me; Give me understanding, that I may learn Your commandments.
Those who fear You will be glad when they see me, because I have hope in Your
Word. Psalm 109:73-74 Faith in God is produced by a personal relationship with
HIM Psalm 119:75-80.
Comments and challenges
I have
never been much good around high places like mountains, tall building and the
ladders leading up to them. So for the stories I hear from my friend the
retired steel worker, I am not only intrigued by what he says but it does take
long for him to remind me of things that no doubt caused all this fear of
height in me. I would not say that I have a complete phobia over height; I was
on the local fire department for a season of time and did travel various
ladders to high places in those heated moments of time.
My friend
told of a story about a building that they were putting up next to a mountain
of bricks that had been part of a building a few yards from the new building
sight. He observed the height of the bricks as these were well over his head,
but as time pasted and within a few weeks the pile of bricks from his view began
to dwarf as the new building took shape.
The thought
of this reminded me of a pile of bricks in an alley where I grew up in
Kentucky. I was about twelve, the pile of bricks was fifteen to twenty feet
high, my cousins and I decided to climb to the top. Let me tell you up front if
you are a young person reading this; do not try it. Lose bricks are dangerous
to climb. I remember well the blood, bruises and embarrassment of being dug out
over waist high. By the grace of God we were not completely buried in the
again is the rub in this? The oppression of the poor in this great land of ours
is severe, the leaders of the land, use to poor of other lands to oppress the
poor of our land, thus we have a perversion of justice and righteousness in all
the cities and towns of our land. The integrity of the land is becoming a pile
of loose bricks, our borders now produce the crimes of these unlawful poor and give
birth to more poverty and we are being buried alive.
Do not
marvel at this by not being serious minded; our officials are corrupting our
land with false promises to the nationals of other lands. Yes the profit of our
land is for ALL, but not for all of the homeless helpless poor; who are tired,
weary and worn out from the oppressions of other governments. LET THE DEAD BURY
THE DEAD! It is not complicated to understand that if I am too weak minded to
work and need assistance, that sooner than later I will need a hand out. I am
not saying that a foreign national is not free to come to our land and prosper;
but I am saying that people who come must be people who are prosperity minded;
not weak minded.
We let
people come into the land that are failures to prosperity. We have made it easy
for people to stick their hand out. We are doing this by change: someone within
the last decade said; it is time for a change America! That person meant to change
the Constitution, change the law of the land, change our language, change our
religion and change our freedom and step by step that person is leading us to
the fiscal cliff. This is the vanity of false gain and false honor that Solomon
speaks of in Ecclesiastes 5:8-9
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