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Tuesday, June 18, 2013

The devotional - 070 - Splinters and Planks

A Thought for the Day – 070 – Splinters and Planks

Reasoning under the sun would add up to: “It is very costly to live on this earth!” like it cost you a birth and a death and all the rest in-between, so human reasoning is expensive and dull. However God provides faith in Him; where else could one live and travel around the sun once every year for free? Consciousness of God and His love will open the eyes of blind and reveal four beautiful seasons throughout all the seasons of life and death. Ecclesiastes 4:13-16

Comments and challenges

Isn’t this the way it is… we notice readily the faults in other people, but when it comes to our own faults we do not see these walls of darkness at all. Jesus reminds us of this sort of vision by saying that our brothers or sisters may have a splinter in their eye and we being a good and better person than they seek to help them by removing the splinter, yet our condition is worse since we have the whole plank of wood, minus the splinter in our eye. Matthew 7:1-6

Now this is important to notice that the splinter in one person’s eye is of the same plank of wood found in our eye. (the chip off the same block of wood) This is what I mean; only those who practice the same sinful fault, know the sin well enough to judge the other, in other words; it is impossible for us to wear the mask of a hypocrite if we do not know why we put on the mask in the first place.

Solomon says much the same in Ecclesiastes 5:1-7; he reminds us to be prudent in church, the spiritual antennas of the plank owners are all tuned and ready to pounce on the splinters. This is the sacrifice of the foolish in church and they do not even know the evil that is forming by their actions. Verse 2 explains that our rashness of mouth is rewarded by God who evaluates our earthly words from His heavenly view.

You say, well Solomon is talking about vows here in these passages and not running the mouth in judgment. Okay, but what we say has as much value to the hearers as the vow. Like; “brother let me help you out with your sin problem!” If you have not first removed the plank from your own eye then how can you vow to help anyone?

The promise of helping or vowing to help comes from your mouth so as Solomon says, be careful… do not let your mouth be the cause for your flesh to sin, nor say before the messenger (Holy Spirit) of God that it was an error, why should God be angry at your voice when your flesh had no intention of following through with the work of your unwilling hands.

It is just a dream that we are better than the next person; think about it, if we were not dreaming or desiring about the thoughts of how much better we are than they, then our voice in the matter would be no voice at all. Ecclesiastes 5:5. It is then better to practice first what we preach. Then we will not be like the televangelist who does not practice, but loves to preach!

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