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Tuesday, September 30, 2014

The Devotional - 1002 - A Treasury

The Devotional – 1002 – A Treasury
Who is it that would turn down a treasury of gold and silver? A fool might, yet even if the fool did not, he or she would not use it for the Glory of God. The world we live in has a system of gold, silver and precious stones; these commodities are in high demand by the wise man and the fool. One brief look at the world around us, quickly reminds us of the “good and evil intent” produced in the hunt for earthly treasure.

Comments and Challenges:
The apostle James writes in his epistle: “Where do wars and fights come from among you? Do they not come from your desires for pleasure that war in your members? You lust and do not have. Your murder and covet and cannot obtain. You fight and war (battle). Yet you do not have because do not ask. You ask and do not receive, because you ask amiss, (you miss the mark) that you may spend the (spoil) on your (selfish) pleasures. James 4:1-3 Words in brackets are added from various definitions.

James has a lot to say about the wisdom of earthly riches in his epistle and the Jew of the past is no different than today’s Jew. Again the gentile of the past is no different that the gentile of the today. The entire world is in pursuit pleasure. Even when we acknowledge the LORD Jesus as our hope and claim faith in Him for Justification and Sanctification in this life our pursuit glorification and in eternity’s treasure is missing the mark. If the LORD agrees I intend to study out the epistle of James and share whatever comes forth. But first; a few observations about “A Treasury”.

There are two platforms for “treasure” in scripture, one is of the earth and the other is of eternity. Notice if you will that Jesus in Matthew’s Gospel explains that earthly treasure is infected with worry and labor (Matthew 6:25-34), just before His discussion of worry and labor, He offers His listeners and readers a choice to store up treasures. (Matthew 6:19-21); actually this is more than an offer of choice, it is a “command”. Now, here me on this… it is important.

The “beatitudes” as we call them are the Words of Christ delivered to those who were following Him and also to His chosen disciples. The question we might consider is this. Of what platform of gold silver and precious stone was Jesus focused on? Our natural instinct is to run from subjects like this but bear with me. The beatitudes are directed at the “kingdom of heaven” and not on the domain of darkness. Matthew 5:1-12.  Believers in Jesus Christ are the “Salt and the Light” Therefore the Salt (Word) sown to the earth, has no Light, only physical work, it is simply a treasury of self-worth and nothing more, Philippians 1:15-18.

Christ Jesus fulfils the Law, it is His Righteous in us that produces gold, silver and precious stone worthy for the heavenly treasure. If we are using our own effort to obtain a treasury it will be expended in an earthly way to man’s glory, this then often results in murderous and adulterous acts of the heart; Matthew 5:17-30. Jesus continues his discourse about treasure, the use of it and the effects on man’s ability to control his treasure. In a partial conclusions Jesus speaks of the human spirit; Matthew 6:22-23. If your human spirit is good, it will produce good; but he also says that we have a double minded human nature: Matthew 6:24.

This will end our devotion for today, it is my hope to shorten these messages up so our time is spent more wisely. We will pick up with the Sermon on the Mount (Matthew 5:1) tomorrow and continue preparing our heart for the study of the epistle of James

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