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Thursday, September 11, 2014

The Devotional - 1529 - The Doing Soul

The Devotional – 1529 – The Doer
Psalm 119 – The Psalm is a wonderful platform for the study and meditation on the Word of God. Having the desire to move from the Psalm to other parts of the Holy Word of God I notice that it is not long before I come running back to it. The Psalm provides for me; strong confidence in the LORD God, also from this platform I find much joy in His Word. I believe that this is important for all of us. While it may not be Psalm 119 for you, you do need a section of the Word of God that can take up residence in your soul. The apostle James who is the half-brother of Jesus (they both have the same mother) has this to say about the Spiritual needs that all children of God need for endurance as a saint of the Living God. James 1:21 Therefore lay aside all filthiness and overflow of wickedness, and receive with meekness the implanted word, which is able to save your souls. Now there is a context to this one verse which talks to us about being doers of the word and not hears of the Word and that will be our subject. James 1:21-27.

Comments and Challenges  
The control room of a submarine reminds me of the “mind and soul” of a saint of God. Say what? Well this may not be worth repeating so let me continue. The control room is by the way the operating platform to command the men and the machine to have one performing purpose. Therefore the mind and soul of a saint is the operational platform of the child of God to live out all aspects of life in Christ. Did you get it?

Okay maybe you did not understand and this would certainly be true for those who have never been in a military surrounding. Each of us operates daily from our mind. For a basic example; from the mind we decide to do normal chores or go to work. We make decisions that expend our resources, or save our resources. We plan and we carry out those plans to the best of our ability. All of this is an exercise of our mind and will, but not necessarily of the soul.. 

Back to the submarine; the men must control the machine and the machine must perform for the men without this inner-action the submarine would be useless and the mission of the men would fall short of the mark intended. This in military language is a FAILED MISSION.

Believers in Jesus Christ; God’s Children; God’s Saints or any other term like “Christians” especially in the United States of America are living a FAILED MISSION. We are failing to be “doers” of the Word of God. We hear the Word, we read the Word and we talk of the Word, but we do not “do the Word.  We fail to use or transfer the Word to our SOUL and churches across this land are living a FAILED MISSION. 

I do not have time to go into it today, but it is my hope to encourage all of us to “do the will of God” and to stop being a “believer in name only”. This would mean for some of our churches to lay aside the filthiness of “entertainment” and to once again pick up the Word of the Living God and plant the Word in the hearts of men and women. Today churches are filled with “hearers” who have an abundance of puffed up knowledge, who are deceiving one another with the clanging symbol and without love. 1 Corinthians 13.

Yes we need our mind to do things, but we also need the implanted Word of God to enable us to do things under the perfect law of liberty and not the imperfect lawlessness and motionless or idleness of soul.

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