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Monday, November 3, 2014

The devotional 1026 - Foot Steps in First Corinthians, ongoing

The Devotional – 1026 – Foot steps in First Corinthians, ongoing
Have you ever received a gift from someone and opened it up and said to the person. “O what a wonderful gift” but only to see that gift several years later sitting in the closet UNTOUCHED! I know you have and so have I, we may have had good intention, even real excitement over the initial moment in time when the gift was given. Yet for whatever reason; maybe you have one like it and it is useable so you wait. Or any other good excuse and the gift sits on the shelf and gets old and dusty.

Comments and Challenges:
1 Corinthians 2:6-16
Teachers and expositors of the Holy Bible speak the wisdom of God. They are mature in this Wisdom and they do not mix the wisdom of this age into their training or preaching sessions. Yes they may speak of the wisdom of this age but they do not mix up a mystical or a liberal solution to seek to make the Righteousness of God agree with the unrighteousness rulers of this age who are coming to nothing.

The Wisdom of God is a MYSTERY, it is hidden to mankind. You might say “well why is that”? Good question but easily answered. Frist God predetermined His Wisdom before the ages (all times and dispensations) and secondly this means that God’s WORD is eternally established and that the wisdom of the ages (time) is established as temporal and inferior to the Wisdom of God. 

Isaiah quoted here by the apostle Paul says that the human eye, ear or heart has no wisdom of God and yet God has prepared man to have this Wisdom. That is if a man or woman loves God they can HAVE the Wisdom of God; Isaiah 64:4 and Isaiah 65:17. How might those who love God obtain this Wisdom? It is a GIFT given to everyone who has the Spirit of God in them, Romans 1:16-17. If you are not SAVED by the grace of God through (by) faith, then you do not have the Spirit of God and you do not have all of the gifts freely given to the one who is saved.

But what about you and I who are saved, we have the gifts freely given at the POINT of believing the gospel, so another question that this passage seems to stir up is. Are we using what God has ordained (predetermined) before the ages to overcome the unrighteousness of the world around us? Or do we like many religious people mix our righteousness with the unrighteousness of the world. We MUST be willing at all times to accomplish our daily activities as the Spirit of God teaches and not as the spirit of the world teaches. This means holiness to the LORD.

In the list found in Ephesians 1:1-14 the apostle records in verses 8-9 that the Holy Spirit has made all Wisdom and understanding abound toward us. When I think about this I am reminded of our pets who, after we have been away for a while, they come rushing or abounding with joy toward us because they are so excited were back. Thus the mystery is that it is God’s Will and that it is according to His Good Pleasure (joy), something He has purposed within Himself to share with us.

Therefore if you as a believing saint (child) of God have taken hold of the Spirit of God and placed the initial gifts of God on the shelf because you understand the wisdom of this age and still have some of that intoxicating PUNCH in you and say in your heart, I will just put the Wisdom and Understanding of God on the shelf for now! Then I say… SHAME ON YOU my friend, you are missing OUT BIG TIME!

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