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Wednesday, November 19, 2014

The Devotional - 1038 - Foot steps in First Corinthians, ongoing

The Devotional – 1038 – Foot steps in First Corinthians, ongoing
Again and you know full well that the passages of 1 Corinthians 7 touch home for a lot of us. This is a very strong picture of what we contemplate and carry out in marriages all across this land. We reap what we sow and most people whether they think so or not, sow and reap to the flesh. To those in married who do not; I say Praise God for you… WELL DONE and keep up this good work as your labor of love will produce children and families that this nation has an acute shortage of.

I know of a man and a woman who lived out this section of scripture right before my eyes. The woman a believer and the man an unbeliever, yet they live as they were called. The woman is and was devoted to the LORD and also to her husband. A few years went by and I was convinced that he would stay an unbeliever and that maybe they would break up. Instead God had a better plan and the man accepted Jesus Christ and the LORD’s grace in the lives of this couple flourished.

Some who read this may think this story is fabricated, but now why would I do such a thing as that? No the story is true and over forty years old. And I since I see these folks from time to time it would be wrong and embarrassing to them to tell you who read these devotionals who they are since you know them too. The story points to victory in life and deep in our hearts, victory is all that really matters, is it not? Yet again it is the personal purpose of victory in oneness that counts and that first being in the LORD.

The apostle says that the command to stay as you are is not his personal command, but that it is the LORD who commanded this. This command is found throughout scripture, but I have selected this one from Malachi 2:10-17 where the leadership is corrupt, full of treachery and infidelity, since this speaks well of the church at Corinth and churches throughout this United States of America. With our ever increasing liberal ways within our constantly changing church doctrines we have and are profaning the LORD’s church which He loves.

We do a lot of weeping and crying as we watch our young people march off to the world and not return. They offer their lives to secular humanism and our offering OF them in their early stages of life them to God is rejected by Him and we cry; FOUL. (For what reason have you done this LORD). Because the LORD has been and is a witness between you (the spiritual head of household) and the wife of your youth with whom you have dealt with TREACHEROUSLY, your companion by covenant, the one in whom you were made one with in the sight of God has been broken or is breaking.

God SEEKS godly offspring therefore we are to deal equally with our spouse in the human spirit as God hates divorce, for divorce covers one’s future garments with shame and violence. I dislike this statement here in Malachi 2:16 but I know like many of us that it is absolutely true. Family unrest and violence follows every broken family… we reap what we sow. And yet daily we weary the LORD with our many prayers about the subject of family and young people, we think He will someday answer and we hope he does.

Keep your marriage vows CLEAN and live in the LORD as you are called. NOTHING ELSE MATTERS!

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