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Tuesday, December 2, 2014

The Devotional - 1045 - Foot Steps in First Corinthians, ongoing

The Devotional – 1045 – Foot steps in First Corinthians, ongoing
When is the last time you were in a competitive event? We have all had the opportunity to compete; maybe just a neighborhood foot race, or even something larger like a state wide competition. even sporting events and spelling bees have a place in our individual history of life. Well during these events we did the best we could and yet we may have placed last or first, but we did place somewhere within the like-minded group of competitors. What really matters is that we did participate and we did finish the event. Congratulations! 

CHALLENGES & COMMENTS – 1 Corinthians 9:24-27
Many do not think too highly of winning anything when it comes to the things of God and often we hear people say; “I would rather be a doorkeeper in the house of God”. This is an ‘out of context’ statement of psalm 84:10 since we may have in mind to just live in the shadows of the house of the LORD rather than participate in active blessing. 

Take the moment today and dwell in Psalm 84, there are just twelve verses but these are packed with reward. For example: Can we not see the blessings available in the tent of the LORD in that even the small sparrow can find shelter and a place for her nest? Our soul longs for the joy, even faints at times, for the courtyard of The LORD. His statutes cause our heart and flesh to cry out with joy for Him, for His counsel, His Mercy and His Grace.

Yes there is that daily reward of joy, assurance, comfort and other spiritual attributes to strive for in our walk with the LORD (I am reminded of Philippians 4:8-9). Yet, there is more to reward though and we should not shun this reward either. The apostle Paul previously and as we looked at yesterday in 1 Corinthians 8:19-23 says basically that his ministry is to serve all peoples and nations with the gospel of Jesus Christ, a discipline that many of us fail at today.

The competition for the SOUL of mankind is more than a footrace in time. It is the war between our Creator and the deceiver Satan. Thus if this is true and it is, then we who belong to God through faith in Jesus have become children or better yet, soldiers of LORD (2 Timothy 2:1-13) and we have this wonderful charge in time, a charge that mandates (commands) DISCIPLINE. Would we not then, rather suffer trouble in this life, for if we died with HIM, we shall also LIVE with HIM?

There is responsibility in the life of ALL of the SAINTS of God, God will not deny Himself will He? No He will not, therefore we (being His Child) are required to be disciplined by FAITH in all things in order for us to receive the Imperishable Crown of leading a disciplined life (1 Corinthians 9:25). This then becomes a personal choice of every saint of God to press forward to the high calling of God in Christ Jesus our Savior; Philippians 3:12-16.

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