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Friday, December 12, 2014

The Devotional - 1053 - Foot steps in First Corinthians, ongoing

The Devotional – 1053 – Foot steps in First Corinthians, ongoing
All of us have our own bag of foolishness, you know what is in your bag as well as I know what is in mine. Seldom do we put the bag down for fear that someone will peak in and seldom do we share it with another for any reason since we feel that the contents is a bit more twisted than that of the other person. Even if you are an observer of people you cannot determine to the fullest extent the twisted way a man or woman is bent. Yet God knows the heart and in this knowledge alone, that person’s heart will FRET against the LORD if it is not being sanctified (daily) by the grace of God – Proverbs 19:1-3.

CHALLENGES & COMMENTS – 1 Corinthians 11:23-26
The last two days we have looked briefly at the Communion Service, most of Christendom have some form of Communion Service, some daily, others weekly and some once or twice a month. So there is no set, or obligated day of Communion. Yet there is (what I would call) a statute of the LORD to examine the condition of one’s soul before sharing in the elements of a Communion Service.

We are all unworthy to participate in anything Holy and John 3:16 – a verse of scripture that most of the English speaking world can quote – “For God so loved the world (you and me) that He gave His only Begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life”. That sadly, what might be known by the world is also knowingly suppressed by the world and the wrath of God remains in place on them, God’s wrath is on the world and on the individual person in the world. John 3:17-21 and 36.

Those of us who have come to faith in the Lamb of God are under the watchful Eye of the LORD in another way. We have been “justified by the Blood of the Lamb and we are now being “sanctified by the Word and Grace of God” The LORD in His prayer for His disciples also prayed for those of us who would believe in Him also that we would too be sanctified. John 17:15-26.

With these Spiritual benefits available to all and accepted by some, there is the standing ordinance of the LORD to remember Him in His Death, sacrificial LOVE was and remains the WAY of God for man to believe, it is not the way of the world – Romans 5:6-7. When it comes to Communion, a service to be reminded of Jesus and His death it is a Holy time. Without the shedding of blood, there is NO remission (forgiveness) of sin – Hebrews 9:22

So what now? If we are living in darkness (sin) and we chose to partake of the Communion Service, then we are eating and drinking judgment on our self because we have not judged properly about being holy before the LORD who is Holy. This for the child of God is SERIOUS, we must not partake of the holiness of the LORD while walking in darkness and His judgment in this will be CHASTENING because He will not allow His children to be judged by the condemnation in place for those who do not believe.

Each time we participate in a Communion Service we are proclaiming the LORD’s death until He returns. If we do this in SIN we are no better than the world, since they too know this but suppress it.

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