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Monday, November 14, 2016

A Daily Devotional –Gospel – The Eternal Word (10)

A Daily Devotional –Gospel – The Eternal Word

Comment: We all remember those days when we first learned to drive a car and depending on how long ago that has been, driving has become as comfortable to us as sitting in or on a chair. The point is this, driving and sitting requires FAITH and ASSURANCE that the task is something you can CONFIDENTLY DO! There is a responsibility that goes along with sitting and driving and that is if you do these two things, there will come a time when you will need to teach someone that your faith and assurance can be relied on. Remember it would be foolish to teach someone to drive or sit if you yourself could not do so with confidence.

Devotional: The apostle Paul in his first letter to the Corinthians devoted over 1200 words in the 15th chapter of 1 Corinthians to exhort the Corinthian saints that they can be confident in their faith that the gospel of God’s Son is REAL. If you lack the ability to share the gospel of Christ with other folks then I encourage you to not only read and study this chapter, but also to meditate on all 1200 words in the chapter. Your relationship to God and your fellow man is; after all a relationship of faith, is it not?

In verses 1 through 11 we have the Risen Savior revealed by the apostle as FAITH’S reality, not based on Paul’s authority, but on the authority and reality of scripture. “According to the scripture” what scripture is that Paul? The New Testament has yet to be written at this point in time, so it is evident that the reference of Paul is the Old Testament scripture. See Psalm 16 and 22, also Daniel 9:24-27. And did not the Ethiopian become a child of God as Philip shared the death and resurrection of the LORD Jesus from Isaiah 53.

The Risen Christ is our only hope, see verses 12 through 19; the last enemy that a human will face in this life is DEATH, Jesus has destroyed death because He is the FIRST FRUIT of the resurrection for all that have or will die by faith in Him. If we remain as Adam (faithless) we die and if we come to Christ, we belong to Him (faithful), reconciled to God in Christ. The effect on every individual who rejects or denies the resurrection is the second death. Revelation 20:6. Why? because they did not believe in the First resurrection.

We will see more on this tomorrow, in the meantime “Walk by FAITH and you will not carry out the DEEDS of the flesh.”

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