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Monday, November 28, 2016

A Daily Devotional –Love and Grace – The Eternal Word (16)

A Daily Devotional –Love and Grace – The Eternal Word

Comment: Ever attend a Bible Study or Church Service and feel as though the teacher or pastor has found out some of the inner workings of your heart? Well if you are a child of God and say no to that question you are no doubt, face to face with the LORD, see 2 Corinthians 5:8. In this earthly body, God the Holy Spirit is our guide to Righteous living, being spiritual is not relative; it is absolute. Therefore, it is God who through His ministers provides training by Grace. Notice Titus 2:11-15.

Devotional: Most all of God’s children have a definition regarding the words – “The GRACE of God.” It is not my intention of adding confusion to what we already understand, but in recent study and meditation I thought about this. Like the Love of God, the Grace of God cannot be fully understood. Both attributes do not have a limit, these cannot be turned off or turned on by the will of man. Although God absolutely hates evil and will destroy it, when it comes to the evil and the resulting sin of it in man; God has covered man’s sin in the Blood of Christ for all of mankind.

This covering is realized by those who believe God’s grace “for grace you have been saved through (personal) faith, and that (grace) is not of yourself, it is (however) the gift of God – Ephesians 2:8. Also we ought to see that the wrath of God over sin and evil is lifted when “personal faith responds to the grace of God; John 3:18 and John 3:36.

So in closing, if it were not for the character of God who LOVES US and provides GRACE FOR US, salvation from sin and evil would not be possible. This salvation did not happen by chance, it has been and will always be available to all those who believe, to the Jew first (Praise God) and also to the gentile. Salvation by Grace, even from the foundation (forming) of the world – Ephesians 1:4. Warning: this same love and grace will stand as an insurmountable wall to all those who reject this truth. Revelation 13:8-9.

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