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Thursday, November 10, 2016

A Daily Devotional – Prophetic – The Eternal Word (9)

A Daily Devotional – Prophetic – The Eternal Word (9)

Comment: It is good to be home, there is no place like being home. It is also good to travel, there are no replays, once the travel experience is over we rely on memories and pictures. As I think about this I am reminded of God who in His humanity travelled to earth, who took upon Himself the entire sin of the world. He has memories and He has WORD pictures of those days on earth. Truth is, He has these word pictures that began in eternity pass and will continue throughout eternity future. Psalm 22:16, Zechariah 12:10-14 and Revelation 1:7 and if you study this topic you will see many other references in the Old and New Testaments of Him who was pierced.

Devotional: Hebrews 13:20-22 – The LORD, God of our salvation will never forget or lay aside His sacrifice for our sins, the sins of the whole world of mankind is nailed to the cross and we bare it no more. The exception is; WE MUST PERSONALLY BELIEVE THIS TRUTH BY FAITH. Jesus Christ is the Great Shepherd. Those who believe this have been made COMPLETE to do His Will in order that we might glorify God forever and ever.

We are COMPLETE in God our Savior through the blood of the everlasting covenant. This work was accomplished ONCE for ALL, (Phil 2:13) by God Himself. He alone has wiped away the sin and made us who believe, who were once in darkness and INCOMPLETE, the glory of God ‘IN CHRIST’ alone. The writer of Hebrews understands that those who do not believe, ought to heed and believe the words of EXHORTATION regarding the Blood of the Everlasting Covenant.

The Word of God is TRUE, note Acts 4:11-12 – “This is the STONE which was rejected by you builders (Israel), which has become the CHIEF cornerstone (Psalm 118:21-24). Nor is there salvation in any other, for there is no other NAME under heaven given among men by which we MUST be saved. The Word pictures of our Savior and LORD are prophetic truth and summed up in these words of Jesus Himself. “I am the Alpha and the Omega, the Beginning and the End” says the LORD GOD, “who IS and who WAS and who is to COME, the ALMIGHTY.” Revelation 1:8, see also Revelation 1:7.

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