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Wednesday, September 6, 2017

A Daily Devotional - Faith – Personal Meditation (2)

A Daily Devotional - Faith – Personal Meditation

Comment: We were at a Bible Conference over Labor Day so we are a little behind schedule, yet I know as well as you we are never late with the Word of the Living God. His timing is perfect, His ways are past finding out, yet He is always a very present help in times of need. God does all things well is a SERIOUS subject. If you have ever done anything in this life, you know when finished; where all the flaws are and if asked could point each of them out. In humility you might say, see; here and here! But in pride you may be found standing in front of the most obvious flaw and say, there are none. In Genesis 1 we can see God’s comments about His six literal days of creating the earth and all that the earth contains, even universe that canopies the earth, it was all good, and at the end of the sixth day, He spoke His final Word on what He created and said it was VERY GOOD. Creation was perfect; see Psalm 104.
Devotional: What then is man, that you LORD are so mindful of us? David in Psalm 8 considers thoughts like this as He meditates of the Glory of God in Creation. I believe we do not glorify God with all of the nonsense we see in our churches these days. I also believe that we are about to witness and ‘eye popping’ event in our nation that may help us return to the LORD of Glory. I do not have to search out what this event may be since it is not the issue, the issue is that we who claim “Christianity” are not at all “Christ like” in our daily walk of faith.
Out of our mouth we use words in our gatherings that praise and glorify God, but in our heart, we fail to meditate that the LORD is excellent in the earth. His Glory is revealed above, in the heavens. The heavens declare the Glory of God and the firmament shows forth His Handiwork, Psalm 19. Some will want to say, “but we sing about these revelations of God every Sunday, so what is the issue. The issue is: What do we do after the church worship is over?
Do we follow up on this worshipful event with meditation on the Glory of God? Do we feast moment by moment throughout the days ahead with thoughts like these? “When I consider the heavens and the work of Your fingers, the moon and the stars, which You have ordained! Who am I, that you are so mindful of me? Why LORD; have you visited (established) me? For you have made me and fashioned me a little lower than the angels, yet you have crowned me with glory and honor”.
No! we do not follow up with meditation such as this; instead we mentally and physically pursue the sins of our everyday lifestyles which we do not what to GIVE up. We may be washed by the Blood of the Lamb, we may be saved by the grace of God, we may even be ministers/leaders of the whole counsel of God. Yet, we are far too willing to lay aside the LORD’s Righteousness for the desires of the flesh (1 Corinthians 6:9-10). Then like the harlot of Proverbs, she wipes her mouth on Sunday and says; “I have done no wrong!” Proverbs 30:20.

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