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Wednesday, August 25, 2010

A Look at the Book #273

The Devotional

What does Papa “J” Say?

Where does wisdom get a voice, or for that matter, how does wisdom shed a tear? Wisdom is said to be over the head of the fool. Proverbs 24:7 and if so; why should wisdom cry out from every place created by God or invented by man? Proverbs 8:1-5 Think about this. More tomorrow!

The economy of God is Grace. The word used to describe economy in the bible is used only seven times. Three times in Luke 16 where it is used in a negative sense regarding the unjust steward who for a season of time had charge over a household but did not administer his duties properly. The four other times are; 1 Corinthians 9:17; Ephesians 1:10; Ephesians 3:2 and Colossians 1:25. These are all positive references to dispensations of time allotted to the apostles to reveal the mysteries of God to the Saints of God. As we look into the Economy of God through window of Grace, I am hopeful that we will grow in our relationship with Jesus Christ because we are doers of the Word of God and not just hearers as so many others are who are trapped in religion. Religion in the sight of God is the unjust steward. Notice James 1:26-27 most religions of the world develop a strong showing of good works with the orphans and widows, but these also show the weakness of men who are defiled by immoral conduct and debase minds. It is the grace of God that we are not all consumed. Hebrews 12:25-29

The Gospel of John

John 16:25-33 How many people have you heard say, “I read the bible, but I do not understand what is being said”? I hear that a lot and I am sure that if you talk to people about the Word of God you hear similar comments. Someone once said to me; “Well, I do not need to read the bible, I leave the interpretation up to the preacher and I just believe what they say” Hmmm???

Has Christ Jesus the LORD overcome the world, or should we look for another? Was Christ crucified for naught? Does the figurative language of Jesus leave us groping around in the dark for answers about eternity. Well, all of this nonsense could be true if Christ had escaped death on the cross for the sin of the world. The Word of God, the economy of God, the Grace of God, eternity and every other thing known to man about God, hangs on the truth of the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ the Son of God in time and history.

This wisdom and truth is revealed to the Father's children (you and me) because the plain truth of Jesus Christ is revealed to us by Our Father Himself. Since we have believed in Jesus who came forth from God. God did what man cannot do. He made His Son a sacrifice for you and me in order that we would experience peace in a world of tribulation. So be of Good Cheer, Jesus has overcome the world. Please see: John 14:27 If you have this peace, then it has been given to you by grace through faith and you are an overcomer, like Jesus. Ephesians 2:6

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