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Wednesday, August 4, 2010

A Look at the Book #259

by Jesse Abel
The Devotional
What does Papa “J” Say?
When is the last time you took inventory of your character: How much deceit is in your mouth? How often do your eyes look at the perversions of society? Where to you allow your feet to take you? How many dead end streets do you travel daily? Hmmn! Proverbs 4:24-27
The Fire Chief asked several of us at the last meeting how we might get folks who volunteer to ride the ambulance to be more active? We have twenty-five qualified EMT's and another fifteen MRT's, we also average one ambulance call a day. Over the course of a year we have failed to respond to twenty percent of those calls, that is more than seventy calls. It is required that at minimum, at least one EMT and one MRT be on hand for a call. That is 14 calls a year for the EMT and twenty four calls for the MRT. So what is the point? The need of responding to life's emergencies is a reflection of the need to be committed to life, liberty and pursuit of happiness. This is simply the other side of the coin. Our national feeling is that if we throw money at our problems, things will get better and you and I won't have to get involved. Give the unemployed our tax dollars, give the illegal alien social care and he or she won't bother us. Give, give, this is the leech of society that has two daughters. Proverbs 30:15 and in fact the four things crippling a society like ours are very plainly spelled out in Proverbs 30:15-17. On the one hand we fail to respond to national emergencies and on the other hand we have become lazy and others are reaping where they have not sown. We are becoming like the Proverb in the mouth of a fool. Like Proverbs 26:7 and Proverbs 27:7.
The Gospel of John
John 13:36-38 There is a song that we sing from time to time. “Jesus knows our every weakness” and there is another. “Jesus knows all about our troubles”, I think the names of these hymns are not important, maybe because I cannot remember them! But the thought that I wish to share is that whether we understand it or not, is that Jesus is very involved with our lives.
I see as well as you do, people who are saved by grace, who are kingdom saints, who are redeemed by the blood of the LAMB, and if I go look in the mirror I see me who like the rest of us say things to Jesus like the apostle Peter; “I will lay down my life for Your sake, LORD!” And, His reply is the same reply He spoke to Peter over two thousand years ago. The rooster is waiting! And when you have denied Me three times, you will hear him crow.
Oh! Not me! I would never deny the LORD Jesus! Well, okay you really do not have to prove that to me. There is one who takes account of your day and He is much better at it. “Jesus knows our every weakness and He knows all about our troubles and He is the provider of GRACE. The question then, if there is one! Are you seeking grace? Or, do you feel that just gutting it out is best and live in the denial that the grace of Jesus is less than sufficient for you?

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