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Monday, August 23, 2010

A Look at the Book #271

The Devotional
What does Papa “J” Say?

The world is a noisy place located in hearts of people. Thus God has to say to His people loudly... PAY ATTENTION! The pathway of moral decay is the PATHWAY to the CHAMBER of death. Sheol is a real place, filling up with real people - Are you headed there? Proverbs 7:24-27


What shall I say this morning? I have already written enough to fill this little section, but it is not ready to publish. Every language in the world has a word or two for the word, God. The Jewish language has El, Jehovah and a host of other names that are assigned to El that describes a particular attribute or characteristic of God the Almighty and Self Existing One. The English speaking nations have the word God the Almighty, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit, also other names to identify a certain characteristic of Our God, like Comforter, Savior or LORD. Both the Jewish nation and English speaking nations as a majority identify with the Hebrew word “Elohim” which is the Hebrew plural for El. Arabian languages identify God as Allah, which would be true and correct if Islam recognized El as their God, but they do not. Islam recognizes Artemis the female moon god of Greek mythology as their deity for worship. This makes Islam a cult with separate doctrines and teachings that have nothing to do with God, El or Elohim. Artemis is not a savior or a lord, nor does she comfort. Take the time to read about her in Greek Mythology. Now lets turn our hearts toward Jesus and the gospel of John.


The Gospel of John

John 16:8-15 It is sad to most of us that Jesus died for the sin of the world. We write songs that mourn His death. We labor over our sin and cry because we see that the nails have our fingerprints on them as these were driven into His hands and feet. The sword of the Roman soldier fits into our hand like a well worn glove too. Yet, we need to see that Jesus saw His death and resurrection differently that you and I the sinner.

By His departure we sinners who believe in Him have a great and wonderful advantage. He has given us a Helper. You and I as believers in Jesus Christ have Christ in us, Colossians 1:27 and when we are walking in the Spirit which should be – all of the time! We are doing what God has called us to do in His power. We are to use the Helper's power to convict the world of sin, of God's Righteousness and of God's Judgment. This is soul saving power, WOW!

What is sadder still is that many of us do not utilize the Helper. Yes we have faith in Jesus, but when in comes to the experience of expressing faith in the Helper we fall short of pleasing God. I think that the fault lies in our desire to listen to religious doctrines that are work based rather than faith or grace based. I say this because we so easily listen to the message of man, rather than allowing the Holy Spirit to take of that which belongs to Jesus and make it real to us. John 1:50-51.

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