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Tuesday, August 10, 2010

A Look at the Book #263

The DevotionalThe Devotional

What does Papa “J” Say?

Those who vex the soul of God are isolated into one group of people who are easily identified. Those who have eyes like Satan (pride) full of lying, deception, murder and unrest. Proverbs 6:16-19. Notice please that Romans 3:22-23 identifies the group of people!

I went into a drug store this afternoon to buy a comb, now that is simple and innocent enough. As I pulled into the parking lot two hot looking mama's pulled in, each on their Harley. One was big with leathers that looked mannish, the other carried a purse and looked pridefully deceptive. I ignored them and walked in ahead of them. I found the comb section and picked one out. Thinking no more about the two women, I proceeded to the checkout. The young girl in her early twenties, yawned while checking out the women before me. When it was my turn she yawned again and explained that she had been up all night with her seven month old boy. She then told me that she had two boys. They are cuddly and cute she said, and I agreed that they must be a blessing and that she could handle the lack of sleep. Then she said, quite out of the blue that the boys are the only men in her life and that they would always be the only men she would ever need. I looked at her ring finger, it was bare and said, “Well, may the LORD bless you anyway” and walked out, only to find the two bikers on the side of the building taking pictures of each other. Some would call that a normal day in the United States, but I felt like the alien that I am. 2 Chronicles 7:14

The Gospel of John

John 14:15-18 If you love Me, keep my Commandments. Some may argue that age or maturity motivate people to keep the commandments of God. While there may be a bit of evidence that this is true, it is also evident that this is not the intent of God for people to wait until they are at heavens door to start keeping His Commandments or loving Him.

Truth is that both love and commandment have one thing in common. It is impossible from the fallen flesh of mankind to Biblically love or obey God. The commandments prove this and you've heard it before. Five of the ten commandments are directed at loving God and five are directed at loving your fellow man. An honest look at one's self in the mirror of those commandments is proof enough that we fail, we fail, did you hear me. WE FAIL!

So then; “If you love Me keep my commandments” and verse sixteen of this chapter plainly explains that we need a helper who is given to us as a forever gift. Thank you LORD for this gift, I will set it over here with the rest of the gifts you've given me. In the meanwhile I will seek to keep your commandments and love you and my neighbor as best as I can, after all I am a good person normally and need very little assistance.

In haste yesterday, I did not proof read the devotional, thus there were errors. For example; “pasture” should have been “pastor”. I do apologize and hope that I did not send anyone to the grazing fields.

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