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Thursday, March 31, 2011

A Look at the Book #427

A Look at the Book #427

by Jesse Abel

Daily Devotional – A Look at the Book #427

A Though for today by Papa “J”

The intent of the media today is to stir up emotional outbursts of liberal ideologies that cripple the intended hearers so that the whole of society will be forced to believe that the welfare of a nation is safe by the very government that is destroying it. Apparently there is enough governmental and media wool to cover the eyes of the ignorant!


As a military person for most of my adult life there have been many opportunities to experience changes to the norm. What I mean is this! In twenty nine years I changed duty stations fourteen times, so on an average I stood on the outside looking in at an old duty station every two years. When you leave a duty station for another, it takes only a matter of minutes to realize that you are leaving a way of life behind where friends and responsibilities were. You will move on and find new responsibilities and new friends, yet you will not forget those back at the previous station. You would think that after so many changes a person could get use to it. Or as my step-daughter would say; “get used of it!” No, I never did but I was able to adjust and that is what we all do in life. There are many bumps in the road of life, even bends in the road as Dr. David Jeremiah would say. The major concern for change is worry and the Living Word of God clearly acknowledges worry as SIN. Here are some verses of scripture that will help you overcome worry when change is at the threshold or on the horizon. Psalm 43:5; Psalm 52:22; Matthew 6:30; Philippians 4:6-7; Philippians 4:19 and 1 Peter 5:7

The Epistle of James

James 1:7 – As we continue our thoughts about faith and work, or endurance and work, I would like for us to understand that God is the One who works and wills the things in our life to His good pleasure. There is a little verse tucked away in Luke 12 that will help to remove worry which leads to doubt. Luke 12:32. God’s will or desire for you is to give you kingdom rewards. There is a faithful enduring servant and also there is the unfaithful doubting servant – Luke 12:22-40. Which one do you line up with?

James 1:8 – If there is some way for the devil to trip us up, he will find it. I know several believers who confidently have faith, saving faith! Yet they have no endurance in trials or testing. Faith and works as preached upon these days by modern pulpiteers is not a confession of faith by helping out in the church. The faith that God is looking for in you and me is the faith that endures through trials and temptations or testing. Helping out in the church is good and spiritually motivated, but enduring faith is hard to find these days because so many of us have become double minded.

James 1:9 starts another perspective that the apostle will be covering through James 1:11 we will cover that in its context. I love to study the Word of God; over and over again I am reminded by Him that no matter how many times I read and reread His Word, He adds newness and freshness to it. My prayer is that you may find joy and purpose for living. Let God shine His Light on you and your days of darkness (doubt) will turn into days of praise. Endurance is the perfect work that the apostle is focused on in His epistle. Notice Hebrews 12:1-2

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

A Look at the Book #426

A look at the Book #426

by Jesse Abel

Daily Devotional – A Look at the Book #426

A Though for today by Papa “J”

The vivid example of power out of control is not an earthquake or a tsunami as both of these natural disasters have obeyed God and returned to their abode to wait for another day. But the man made disaster of nuclear meltdown has not yet obeyed the works of man who created it, nor will it any time soon! Job 38:22-30


Some of you have heard this story before but it is well worth repeating. One night around midnight the local ambulance service that I volunteer for got a call from a nursing home that one of the their male residents was having trouble breathing. We responded with a full crew to find a man in his fifties who weighed over three hundred pounds (closer to four would be more correct). Okay, I must be polite but here is the point! He was not having difficulty breathing, but the protocol for anyone with this complaint was to be given oxygen and a hospital trip by ambulance. (Our patient knew this) When we arrived he was placed in one of the emergency rooms and he immediately asked the nurse for a coke, which he received. I had asked him a few questions about his condition on the way to the hospital and noticed that he seemed angry about something. I questioned him about his anger but he refused to talk about it. After taking the second drink from his coke, it all came to light. He commented in a rather harsh way that he had now gotten revenge over his brother, who he had asked earlier in the day by phone to bring him a coke and his brother refused. The ride to the hospital for a coke cost the tax payers $400.00. Fraud, waste and abuse are the characteristics of sin and the welfare system is a main highway for sin.

The Epistle of James

James 1:4 – The word patience here in the New King James version is the Greek word for endurance or perseverance. Now why would that be important to know? Well, I could just set on my backside and wait on the LORD, which is being patient, isn’t it? This is not the patience that God is looking for in us. Couch potato patience is not biblical. Endurance is labor intensive so biblical patience requires action in that while one is waiting patently our ongoing enduring work is being tested and perfected by the LORD. The result is maturity, or a complete faith that God desires for all of us to have.

James 1:5 – Do you lack wisdom, I know that I do and find myself continually asking God for more. I love this verse of scripture because it plainly tells me that God pours out wisdom to all who ask in faith. Can you not see from this passage that faith is not some whimsical wish? Faith has as much need for endurance as patience does and God works both of these attributes together for good to those who love Him according to His purpose, get hold of Romans 8:25-30 and see the parallel.

James 1:6 – Patience requires a solid foundation and I simply mean that doubt has no role to play here. Ever run into someone who says they have faith, but always requires a life jacket to carry in a storm. So it is with many religious people who place their faith in an object of idolatry or some false teacher. These folks are tossed about like drunken sailors on an angry sea. They have no biblical faith, thus their endurance has no biblical foundation. Simply put these are unstable souls on the verge of being shipwrecked.

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

A Look at the Book #425

A Look at the Book #425

by Jesse Abel

Daily Devotional – A Look at the Book #425

A Though for today by Papa “J”

With a stick a child draws a line in the dirt and says to his playmate. &ldquoon’t cross this line, if you do you will be out!” Faith without works is dead. “For God so loved the world that He said; “whosoever crosses this line shall be in” Ever crossed that line before? It is impossible to know Jesus and the cross without faith. Hebrews 11:6


In November 1976 I went aboard my first submarine, the USS Kamehameha SSBN-642. A mere thirty-five years ago. So long ago that the only thing that sticks in my mind at the moment is a very long wooden spear. The spear hung on the forward passageway wall; it had once belonged to King Kamehameha! This Hawaiian king was a warrior and so was this submarine. In the cold war it kept the United States of America safe from our enemies by the real threat of nuclear war. Also, by the same method our enemies kept their countries safe. Sailors on the American subs often heard the words; “Alert One” most always these were just drills to keep us ready to launch the missiles, but once in a while the person on the speaking end of the microphone would say that this was not a drill and to “spin up” all missiles. What to get a lump in your throat? In those days for the submarine sailor on a “boomer” those simple words was enough for the lump and the weak knees that followed. The reactions after these spoken words were no longer routine. Belief in our Country’s freedom and faith in our Captain took over. Faith without works is dead. Today this country has no faith in God and if you listen you can hear the agonal breaths of a dying nation. This thought brings heavy sobs to this old guy. Notice if you will – Isaiah 5:1-7

The Epistle of James

James 1:1 – James is writing to his countrymen, in his opening words he identifies them as having been disbursed abroad. Since the book is written around 60 AD, James is not talking to his country in general but to a specific group of Jewish men and women. He is talking to the Christian-Jew after the first persecution of the church. Now there is a lot that can be said about this dispersion but for the sake of time I intend to move on. Maybe as we go we can come back to this subject.

James 1:2 – This servant of God felt a pastoral responsibility to these scattered sheep and this is why we have his epistle. What do you think? Do you ever consider that one day someone will be writing to the scattered believers of the United States of America? Where will we go? Some will stay in the land, some will go. As you well know there will be trials and testing in all of this. Tough times have the ability to bring out the best in us, so James is saying to these people; don’t waste the trial or the test since there is real joy from the results of faith in God. Faith without works is dead.

James 1:3 – I become so excited about faith and works that I can hardly wait to see what God will do and the reason is, is that I like the feeling of “joy” in my heart. I do not like the trial or the test but when all is accomplished and faith is still focused on the LORD, the joy is inexpressible. There is nothing I know of to explain what happened, except the grace of God that blessed the moment of trial and promotes the moment of joy. It is simply unexplainable! 1 Peter 1:3-12, especially verse 8.

Monday, March 28, 2011

A Look at the Book #424

A Look at the Book #424

by Jesse Abel

Daily Devotional – A Look at the Book #424

A Though for today by Papa “J”

"Sinner! Did you just call me a SINNER?” “Yes I did!” Ever told a lie, ever stole a nickel? Ever had an abortion, or maybe performed one? All this begins with disobedience to parents. Plain and simple there is no other word that describes our daily activities. Romans 1:18-32 (see verse 30 if you do not want to read the whole section).


Once on a short term missionary trip to Ukraine the LORD allowed me to meet a pastor who served in the Russian Navy on submarines during the cold war. Is not God Awesome? He could not speak English, but his son Alexander could and as Pastor Sergei and I spoke it became apparent the he and I had served in the same waters of the North Atlantic at the same times. We spoke of national encounters with each other and the things we would do to avoid detection and other war games that kept the submarines and sailors busy during those encounters. In defense of our countries our paths crossed and in the defense of the Gospel of Jesus Christ our paths came together. Just thinking about this causes my heart to be overwhelmed with the joy of the LORD that HE would allow the two of us to meet and exchange war stories and to know that our labors of life in those days were not totally in vain. We went to Ukraine to help the church finalize their building project. Putting up ceilings and other finishing touches, we were even there for their first service in the new church. What I am saying here is simply this. That if you call upon the LORD, He will show you great and mighty things that only He knows. Jeremiah 33:3, so my challenge to you is this. Don’t imprison yourself to the routine of life. Let God lead you to opportunities that overwhelm your heart. Jeremiah 33:1-3.

The Epistle of James

I am reminded of another experience some thirty years ago. I was talking with a friend about John the Baptizer and was making a comment from the gospel of John 1:19-28. Both of us having been born again about the same time, but my friend did not know that John the Baptizer and John the apostle were two different people. I did not handle the moment well and my friend became embarrassed and critical at my lack of showing love, so what he lacked in biblical knowledge, I lacked in spiritual application.

Faith without works is DEAD! I am certain that the man James had a lot of opportunity to learn this truth. We certainly are right to think that James did not come up with this truth until after he became saved by the grace of God. But since he was a Jew who was brought up by a godly father and mother he like his brothers and sisters had plenty of opportunity to work the work of a faithful Jew in those days.

These siblings had a strange brother within their mist who they could not understand. Their religion blocked them from fully knowing Him. Notice John 7:1-9. The brothers of Jesus were named James and Jude and here in the gospel of John they show their critical disbelief and lack of discernment. But do not allow yourself to stop at this point. James and Jude have epistles of truth about their half-Brother Jesus. We will study the epistle of James. Of the New Testament writings, James is the earliest. Faith does not override works, faith produces works that are worthy of reward.

Friday, March 25, 2011

A Look at the Book #423

A Look at the Book #423

by Jesse Abel

Daily Devotional – A Look at the Book #422

A Though for today by Papa “J”

Timing, it is all about timing! The baseball at 95 miles per hour, over the middle of the plate and slightly in, the keen eyes of the batter, the swing and crack, another home run for your favorite team. Games are great and the innocence of fun is trustworthy, but the one who waits on the LORD, knows that His timing is always perfect. Psalm 13:1-6


I am reminded of a fictional story I once heard. Let’s see how it goes! A gangster visited the pastor of a church because the gangster’s brother had died. He wanted the church to perform the services and he wanted the pastor to do the eulogy. The gangster also promised the pastor a large sum of money if he would tell the people who came to the funeral service that his brother was a saint. Now both brothers were notorious in the town as ruthless criminals, so the pastor balked at the thought of calling this dead man a saint. The pastor thought some more, the church could us the funds. “Okay”, the pastor said; “I’ll do it if you stand next to me while I give the eulogy”. So when it came time for the eulogy, the pastor began. “The man in the coffin before us today was one of the most ruthless men who ever lived in this community. He was a thief, a murderer, a swindler, he cheated on his wife and family on a regular basis, he also served time in jail for crimes against the state and he was not a very likeable person. Yes he was a ruthless man, despicable on all counts but compared to his brother standing next to me; he was a saint”.

How many of us would want to pat the pastor on the back and say, “Good job you sure killed to birds with one stone there.” Actually the pastor is as guilty as the crook next to him. God does not need the crooks money, nor does the pastor need to lie to the people within earshot. Yet in churches all across this land, what is fiction is deemed trustworthy by men who hide themselves in sheep’s clothing while they willingly fleece God’s flock.

In the epistle of Jude, this half brother of Jesus and brother of James, starts out his epistle with concerns for the gospel which he calls our common salvation. I believe his intent was to write about the mercy that God provided “once” for all. But God reminded Jude of another matter, the problem of apostasy that was running rampant within the churches. What is apostasy? You remember the guy, Jim Jones? It was said about him that in the beginning of his ministry efforts that he was a good preacher, but as time went on, he departed from the truth. Apostasy is real when those who know the truth depart from it. Notice what Jude says this departure is. It is depraved and doomed and he gives examples of; “Cain and Korah” if you read their accounts in Genesis it is hard to see the difference that God sees to call for their condemnation. Greed is apostasy. This then is the weakness of men and women who hold the truth of God in unrighteousness. Romans 1:18.

The Spiritual condition of the universal church of God today is weak with famine. Yes there is a need, but it is not a need of money. Our need is to depart from apostasy and return to the Living Word of God. God loves us (Malachi 1:2-5), but our offerings are polluted (Malachi 2:6-15). Our pastors and priests are corrupt (Malachi 2:1-9) These are full of treachery and Infidelity (Malachi 2:10-17) The messenger has come, yet we’ve not changed, we still rob God and the congregation still complains. (Malachi 3:1-18) Jesus is coming again. Are we really ready for His return? (Malachi 4:1-6). Even so come LORD Jesus (Revelation 22:21). Lots of reading today.

Thursday, March 24, 2011

A Look at the Book #422

A Look at the Book #422

by Jesse Abel

Daily Devotional – A Look at the Book #422

A Though for today by Papa “J”

The bank branch is in the suburbs, while the main bank is located in the hub of the city. Yet both do business in the same manner. Matthew 6:10 “Your kingdom come; Your will be done in earth as it is done in heaven!”


Called a caduceus this symbol represents the professional who works in the medical field. A healer of injury or illness, or one who provides comfort and restoration. There are a lot of similarities posted on the web about the caduceus and how it originated, but you must be cautious, since there is only one truth about the origin of this symbol. Numbers 21:8-9. Many people in the field of medicine ware this symbol proudly and they should as it represents “life” and not “death”. The people of Israel in those days were bitten by serpents in the wilderness. When they looked at this pole of Moses, they lived and did not die. There is another pole today. Jesus refers to it in John 3:10-17 and He says that the world should look upon this pole and find the Son of God. He goes on to say that those who find Him there will find “life everlasting”

Called the cross of crucifixion this symbol represents the One God who died in your place for the SIN of the world. Many people today where the cross as a necklace, but to them it is simply and ornament or a piece of jewelry with no meaning. This would tell us that these folks, especially if the cross has a body hanging on it, believe that God is dead. But remember, we said that the caduceus is a symbol of life and so it is with the cross. It is a symbol of life and whosoever believes that Jesus died for their SIN, will also believe that God has raised Him from the dead, providing LIFE, everlasting life.

The date April 24, 2011 (One month away) is date to celebrate the gifts of the Easter Bunny, which is in reality a celebration of the Saxon goddess Eastre of renewal and rebirth. This is a pagan holiday and for the most part in our world today it is still a day to worship in a paganistic way. We teach our children lies and say it is just in fun and games, that when they grow up they can make their own decisions. Let me ask you this simple question. Why do you celebrate Easter? Did you make the right decision or did you follow your childhood training? Proverbs 22:6. You have one month to get the events of His-Story (history) straight in order that your children will believe in the God of the Living and not the god of the dead. Believers in Jesus Christ call this day Resurrection Day. He is Risen and He Lives, I serve a Risen Savior, whom do you serve? Even so Come LORD Jesus.

There were pictures of these three Historical Events, but the pictures did not transfer over to the blog.

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

A Look at the Book #421

A Look at the Book #421

by Jesse Abel

Daily Devotional – A Look at the Book #421

A Though for today by Papa “J”

The Name Jesus Christ of Nazareth is a name that is above all names. It is the only name that provides hope for the lost, healing for the lame and forgiveness for the sinner. Acts 4:10-12.


In our morning devotionals my wife and I are reading through the book of Isaiah. What strikes me in this book so far is God’s everlasting love for His people. Yes I am talking about Israel and yes I am aware of those “replacement theologians” who say that there is no future for Israel. If you have read anything that I have written over the past five years then you know that I am a dispensationalist and I believe in the literal reign of the Messiah Jesus Christ to reign on this earth for one thousand years in the very near future. Now I do not have a Master Degree in Theology, but I do have some biblical college training, but even so; that Associates Degree I set aside to say this! Jesus is a Jewish National and anyone who names the Name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth as their LORD and Savior believes that He is coming again as the Spirit of God gives witness to this truth.

Let’s take a break! How many dynasties are recorded in the Holy Bible? Let’s see, the Babylonian Empire; the Meads and the Persian Empire; the Greek Empire and the Roman Empire. Did I get them all? You be the judge! We say that all of these empires are expired except one and that the Roman Empire will rise again. You do not have to be a student of the Holy Word of God to see that the Roman Empire is being revised even as I write and you read. We also know from history that none of these empires had a blessing of God to survive. So even the Roman Empire in all of its coming glory will fail. So there is a fifth dynasty which is literally ignored by the replacement theologian. Jesus is coming again. He is coming as KING of kings and LORD of Lords. Revelation 19:11-16. So when Jesus comes again all of the nations of the world will be peasant bound and subject to Jesus who is the rightful owner. The nations will be serfs to the KING and He the LORD will rule with the Power of the fifth dynasty that will be Jewish.

I find it more important to cling to the promises and challenges of God, then to follow the teaching of some man made theology. In Deuteronomy 6:10-19 God challenges His people to obey His Word and to not go after other gods. The Jewish people today follow the messages of the past and present rabbis, who do not follow the God of the Bible. In the same manner many so called evangelical churches are following the false teaching of men who willingly place theology above the power of the Holy Spirit who guides the people of God into all truth. John 16:13-15. (These few passages of scripture are not complicated with theology and maybe that is the whole point)!

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

A Look at the Book #420

A Look at the Book #420

by Jesse Abel

Daily Devotional – A Look at the Book #420

A Though for today by Papa “J”

The cave is a den of spiders and other creepy creatures, but normally a cave is not a den of thieves! The thieves den is found in the conference room or office full of nice people!


Is there progressive revelation? Some people seem to be prone or bent to find a path that leads to new revelation. They give their heart and soul to things like searching out UFO’s, the Lock Ness monster or the Abominable Snowman. These futile efforts turn into religious or devout practices that can be classified by those involved as progressive. Well, the truth is that these efforts of mankind are just a progressive waste of time and human life. We need to be careful with our human endeavors. Do you know that there is only ONE Revelation for mankind? I am talking about the complete revelation of God to Man, called the Holy Bible. The Word of the Living God is not progressive, it is complete! There will never be any new revelation from God. However, what you know about the Holy Bible is limited revelation to you as you study the Word. God will progressively add to your knowledge of Him by the Holy Spirit whom God has given to you for that very purpose. 1 Corinthians 2:9-10; 2 Timothy 2:15; John 14:26 and this progressive revelation is an eternal reward, like that found in 1 Peter 1:3-12. So be progressive in your study, but utilize the Power of God the Holy Spirit who will guide you into all revealed Truth. John 15:13-15.

Psalm 107:1-8

How often do you give thanks to the LORD? The next time you are in prayer take heed to your words! God who hears all prayer is worthy of our thanks and here are just a two of many reasons that proves that He alone is worthy. He is GOOD to you and me; He is MERCIFUL to you and me. Why? Because He has Redeemed us and Purchased by His Love. John 3:16

By His Hand of Mercy and Goodness we have been lifted out of the enemy’s land, some from the East and West, some from the North and the South, but all who are lifted out were baptized through the Blood of Christ, Colossians 2:11-12. If you’ve not been buried with Him in this baptism, then you still dwell in the land of the dead and have not been raised up to the land of the living.

Ask yourself today, just where are you dwelling? Do you wander about in a desolate way? Are you hungry and thirsty for good things? Does your soul faint at the future forecast of troubling days? Do not give up! God is able to deliver you out of all of your distress. He alone can lead you in the way that is right. “Oh, that we would give thanks to the LORD for His goodness and for His wonderful works to the children of men.”

Monday, March 21, 2011

A Look at the Book #419

A Look at the Book #419

by Jesse Abel

Daily Devotional – A Look at the Book #419

A Though for today by Papa “J”

The one who is on welfare cries for a little more, and when satisfied, will need a little more to the third and fourth generation! Proverbs 30:15


I may have talked of this before but I think it is worthy of repeating. One day not long ago I needed to rent a small moving truck. About two miles from where we live is one of those convenient stores with a gas station and truck rental service. The owner is Muslim and when I went into the store he referred to me as “brother”, but I noticed the cigarettes and pornography magazines that were immediately in your face. Also there were lottery cards and other bangles and beads, all to attract attention to anyone’s sinful nature. I explained that I was not his brother and that I was a believer in Jesus Christ, a Jew from Nazareth, after that he referred to me as friend. I was no longer his brother. He went on to tell me that he was a honest hard working Muslim who believed in peace, that he did not lie and that we could be good friends and that I could trust him. After renting the truck, I said; “We could not be friends!” He said; “why is that?” I said; “because you are crippling my people with the sin of pornography, cigarettes and gambling. To me this is dishonest gain and promoting lies to those who you befriend. His dark complexion turned a little pale and I left!

Acts 8:9-25

Sorcery and witchcraft, you know when we think about this type of deception we think of potions, charms, cursing and magic. But when you investigate sorcery and witchcraft you find out some interesting things that are very common to our everyday life. Pornography and gambling are not habits of men or women. These are stumbling stones of deception that fit well in witchcraft. Smoking, alcohol and drugs are also deceptive and are directly related to sorcery.

Thus it is very important for you and me to be ready to stand against the deceptive works of false religions. A person may say he or she is your brother or sister, but all the while they are looking for an opportunity to do at least two dangerous things to you. One: To cause you to stumble and fall from your knowledge of God, and Two: To gain income from your ignorance of truth. Notice in these passages in Acts that Simon to Sorcerer knew that the power he believed in was inadequate. Verse 19 states that he was willing to pay for the greater power of the Holy Spirit.

Religion has no place in the kingdom of God. Acts 8:21 “You have neither part nor portion in this matter, for your heart is not right in the sight of God”. Yet, God who is full of mercy is willing to rescue the perishing, even the religious Muslim who rents trucks and sells pornography. Otherwise he too will perish like the money he extracts from poisoning the people around him. There is nothing sinful about renting trucks, but it is sinful to sell deception.

Friday, March 18, 2011

A Look at the Book #418

A Look at the Book #418

by Jesse Abel

Daily Devotional – A Look at the Book #418

A Though for today by Papa “J”

The prayingest prayer I ever prayed was standin’ on my head! Cyrus Brown; mid 1800’s who fell into a well upside down. God hears all prayer as long as it is fervent! James 5:16


I thought it might be good to recite the full poem of Sam Walter Foss (1858-1911) this morning.

The Prayer of Cyrus Brown

“The proper way for a man to pray,” Said Decon Lemuel Keyes, “And the only proper attitude is down on your knees.” “No, I should say the way to pray,” Said Rev. Doctor Wise, “Is standin straight with outstretched arms and rapt and upturned eyes.” “Oh, no; no, no,” said Elder Slow, “such posture is too proud: A man should pray with eyes fast closed And head contritely bowed.” “It seems to me his hands should be austerely clasped in front. With both thumbs pointing toward the ground,” Said Rev. Doctor Blunt. “Las’ year I fell in Hodgkin’s well Head first,” said Cyrus Brown, “With both my heels a-stickin’ up, My head a-pinting down; An’ I made a prayer right then and there – Best prayer I ever said, The prayingest prayer I ever prayed, A – standin’ on my head.”

Luke 18:9-14: God hears prayer and He rewards accordingly.

Galatians 3:8

How much good news is reported these days? Very little good news is reported by the liberal media. Our natural minds have been bent throughout the last three generations to feed off of the emotional boiling pot of war, greed, crime and perversion. Almost every human endeavor is laced with emotional outbursts of sin and evil. The underlying charge of our sinful nature is to destroy good by covering it with evil. So, my conclusion here is that all liberal news is bad news because it is packaged in evil concepts.

God foresees the future of mankind because He knows the future as a present condition. This is why God explained to Abraham over four thousand years ago that “Good News” is the only news worthy for Abraham and the families of the earth to listen too. Genesis 12:3; for the good news of God promises blessing, just as the bad news of mankind promises cursing. What is the basis of blessing or cursing, or good news and bad news? The foundation is faith! Hebrews 11:6

Notice if you will the statement of the apostle Paul in this one verse of scripture in Galatians 3:8. For people to be justified in the sight of God who knows the past and future as a present condition, faith is the only ongoing and present condition that pleases God. It is ongoing and it is always fresh, it is GOOD NEWS! Galatians 3:1-9

Thursday, March 17, 2011

A Look at the Book #417

A Look at the Book #417

by Jesse Abel

Daily Devotional – A Look at the Book #417

A Though for today by Papa “J”

Love, joy, peace, patience, goodness, kindness, gentleness, faithfulness and self-control. Words that have no meaning to the natural mind, and very little meaning to those who claim to have the mind of Christ! 1 Corinthians 2:6-16


In an email someone said to me that they could go emotional at the drop of a hat. The statement was provided because of Devotional #415. Most of the things that were referenced by her as causing and emotional moment are the very same things that bring me to tears too. Like this one friend and sister in the LORD we have learned that God has given us understanding that we are wired to respond properly to emotional moments, thus it is not weird to cry when a hat falls to the floor, especially if someone’s head is still in the hat! Yet, there are those folks who are affected by the same things that; while melting us to tears have turned others inward and critical. Here is the point! Ecclesiastes 3:1-8 explains to us that there is a time for every purpose under the sun. Each purpose causes an emotional response. Emotions actually become sinful when the wrong emotion is applied to a purpose; i.e. when something that calls for weeping is responded to by bitterness. Or when there is a time of healing with comforting words and the response from a loved one are words that kill. James 3:1-12, explains the battle that rages between the heart and soul is mainly expressed through the mouth. Notice that James does not stop with these exhortations, he goes on to say that this wisdom is demonic, self-seeking and full of envy. (Improper use of emotion) But the wisdom that God provides is full of mercy and good spiritual fruit. If we fail to understand this, we will always reap in return what we sow in self seeking despair. This is a viscous cycle that cannot be broken if a person does not understand works that are expressed by Biblical Faith.

Luke 10:38-42

Can you not feel the emotional moment in these passages? Martha is so concerned for the evening meal and moment that she is overtaken with emotion, but uses sinful emotion to attract attention to her self-seeking outcome. Mary on the other hand is quietly enjoying the joys of being in the presence of God’s Son (whether she fully understands this or not) Mary is savoring the emotional moment and is at peace with herself.

Notice too, that even Jesus expresses emotion. “Martha, Martha” This is not a ho-hum expression and He says to Martha that Mary has chosen her emotional moment to be a good moment, while you Martha have a need to recover your moment in order that the time remaining can be rewarded.

We really should listen to the Words of the LORD; since many hats that have fallen to the ground around us, only to be trampled underfoot by those who quench their emotions because a heart of pride and self seeking has prevented them from a healthy compassionate cry!

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

A Look at the Book #416

A Look at the Book #416

by Jesse Abel

Daily Devotional – A Look at the Book #416

A Though for today by Papa “J”

A tail gating driver in the car behind me caused my face to contort in anger and my thoughts to raging comments. It was Sunday and at church I was such a saintly soul that only God knew the brew!


When I was saved in 1975 I used to spend hours on the fourth floor of the church and living quarters where I lived for two years. The fourth floor was at that time a quiet study room and several of us servicemen who lived there studied the scriptures. Can you imagine? Young men (sailors) with their Bibles, concordances, references and note pads (no computers in those days) spending their liberty just minutes away from Bank Street in New London, CT. Studying and praying to God. You know when I reflect on those days I find that these were among the happiest days of my life and I am sure that those sailors would agree. Here is why they would agree. Some of those very same sailors I see weekly at church. We have to live in the world, but we agree with God and our pastor, we do not have to be of the world. Jesus gives of His peace freely to all who will call upon Him. John 14:25-31. The production of the Holy Spirit in the life a saint is; Love, Joy, Peace, Patience, Kindness, Goodness, Gentleness, Faithfulness and Self-Control. This is not an emotional brew; it is the absolute way that God the Holy Spirit reveals Christ to the lost.

Acts 8:26-40

Philip may be the only “tailgater” recorded in the Living Word of God, but notice too that he was led by an angel of the LORD to chase after a chariot. Isn’t that a riot? Maybe we should be more tuned in to the leading of the LORD; it just may be that God has an important message for us or those around us.

Opportunity; even today there is plenty of opportunity to be used of God just as Philip is here in these passages. One of the problems of today is that we are fearful of sharing the “good news” current events and doctrines of liberal theologians have been very effective in letting those in the chariots of the world get away. To counter attack this evil, let Philippians 2:13-18 abide in you.

“He was led as a sheep to the slaughter; and like a lamb silent before its shearer, so He opened not His mouth. In His humiliation His justice was taken away. And who will declare His generation? For His Life is taken from the earth”. Isaiah 53:7-8 and here in Acts 8:32-33

Ever think about declaring the generation of Jesus? There are many thoughts I suppose but the one that stands out at this moment is: His generation is SINLESS! So do you declare the generation of the Sinless Son of God to the sinners around you? Do you declare His life, His death and His resurrection to those who have no life? Don’t tell me your answers, since these answers are most likely the same as mind. God and the children of God see my saintly face, while the world around me sees fear and bitterness of heart. NOT Good! Only love covers a multitude of sin. 1 Peter 4:8.

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

A Look at the Book #415

A Look at the Book #415

by Jesse Abel

Daily Devotional – A Look at the Book #415

A Though for today by Papa “J”

I think my desk top is very much like me! Old and sluggish… but with a little priming it still has a good sense of humor!


I have been rifling through a few submarine pictures to find something I can take to chorus. This is the thirtieth anniversary of the local Chorus where Louise and I have singing parts; “you know papa sang bass and mama sang tenor”. Anyway the group is looking for pictures of our earlier days of life to put on display while we sing. Hey! Let me step away from my earlier days, but I do want to stay tuned to pictures. In our homes we have pictures of parents and grand parents, brothers and sisters and a host of other friends and loved ones. The memories when casting your eye upon these pictures engage our emotions. We can be laughing hysterically one second and bawling our eyes out in the very next. Did you know that our emotions need this cleansing exercise now and then? We should be very willing after a good emotional moment or two to give thanks to God for the way He has made us. Do not let your heart become bitter because of a prideful failure to express a tear or feel the joy of a pure moment of laughter. Proverbs 12:25 anxiety leads to bitterness and bitterness too a heart that falls down and goes “boom”! So please; take this good word and be glad.

John 11:17-27

This is one of my favorite passages of scripture. I like saying that I do not have favorites and that all of the Word of God should be favorite, and it is but if you look at the Word of the Living God as Spiritual food for a hungry soul you will see that many passages are like dessert, full of blessings. Multiple joys, but notice how this joy comes to life.

Lazarus a close friend of Jesus and His disciples has died and by the time Jesus comes to the area, Lazarus has been dead for four days. Mourning and comfort over the loss has filled the hearts of Mary and Martha, Lazarus sisters. Jesus speaks with Martha. (Lazarus will live again) Please take the time and read through to John 11:44, there is so much here and I will not be able to complete it all.

Here is the joy of the message. “I am the resurrection and the life. He who believes in Me, though he may die, he shall live. And whoever lives and believes in Me shall never die. Do you believe this?” John 11:25-26

Don’t these words of Jesus just leap out and grab your emotions like a focusing picture of Truth? Oh my how my soul leaps in the joy of knowing and believing in Jesus and Oh how my heart cries in knowing that those that I love are lost. Repent for the time is short! Whether Jesus comes soon or whether He tarries for years to come. Time is short, eternity is long and both of these kingdoms are empty if you are without Him.

Monday, March 14, 2011

A Look at the Book #414

Daily Devotional – A Look at the Book #414

A Though for today by Papa “J”

Someone said that the total of man’s wisdom is revised and strengthened every year because of technological advancements. This must be why the world suffers from economic failure!


C.S. Lewis and Machiavelli were on opposite sides in life, but C.S. Lewis agreed with Machiavelli on human nature. Both agreed that mankind is so fallen that no man can be trusted with unchecked power to rule over another. Aristotle said that some people were only fit to be slaves, and Dr. David Jeremiah said, “I do not contradict Aristotle, but I reject slavery because I see that no men are fit to be masters.” Chapter four of The coming Economic Armageddon, Author: Dr. David Jeremiah. Here is the point! There is coming a day when the world will look up and say along with the Jews of that day. “Blessed is He who comes in the Name of the LORD”. The statement comes from the LORD Jesus Himself when He lamented over Jerusalem when He was rejected, about one week before He was crucified for the sin of the World. Matthew 23:37-39. This very same Jesus is the ONE who is worthy to lead the world that is presently enslaved in SIN. Notice with me. Worthy is the LAMB that was slain to take scroll from the right hand of Him who sat on the throne. Revelation 5:1-7 The Master of the universe is coming again, not as the suffering servant JESUS, but as the KING of kings and the LORD of lords, Revelation 19:11-21. If you are not ready for His return, then SHAME on YOU! Since you will reap the benefits of Revelation 20:11-15.

Lamentations 3

Lamentations 3:15 – I want to be practical about the things I write about and as I have said before, the writer of this book is the prophet Jeremiah. The book was written around 588BC or just before the captivity of Judah, when Nebuchadnezzar king of Babylon seized and destroyed Jerusalem in 586BC. Jeremiah is bitter because God has allowed him to see this coming, so do you hear any bitterness in these words of mine? Does God’s story of nations repeat itself?

Lamentations 3:16 – I do not believe that God literally broke the teeth of Jeremiah by making him eat gravel or bent him over to cover his face in the dust of the ground. But I do believe that this is Jeremiah’s observation of the coming destructive results of a nation in total rejection of truth and justice. As if all of our teeth are exposed to decay from the force feeding of injustices being practiced by the evil leadership of our day.

Lamentations 3:17 – So in this sense my soul, like Jeremiah’s is removed from peace and prosperity. There is no good going on in the land. Yet, I do not despair, as my pastor has said recently. Faith since the fall of mankind at the dawn of history is that faith which is found in the ONE who holds the future. Hebrews 12:1-2 and the peoples of this faith is that glorious company of people, Hebrews 12:18-24 the general assembly who looks for the Perfect city who’s builder and maker is God. Faith without these works is dead. Hebrews 11:13-16. (Epistle of James).

Friday, March 11, 2011

A Look at the Book #413

A Look at the Book #413

by Jesse Abel

Daily Devotional – A Look at the Book #413

A Though for today by Papa “J”

One of the temporal joys of waking up in the morning is the comfort of your spouse next to you. What excitement it is for God’s children to have confidence that eternal joy is coming and that Jesus will be that JOY! John 14:3


Tsunami, earthquakes and reports of injury and death. Some say that these events in the world are not on the increase, but that the technology of reporting such occurrences has made the world more aware of these natural disasters. My thoughts are that whatever the case. If these events are on the increase or if our ability to report the event is better, there is still this world of increased knowledge that draws us to what the Holy Bible has already said. When I read Matthew 24 and 25, I see that Jesus traveled the “Information Highway” long before some computer geek coined the phrase. Notice please; Jesus states in (Matthew 24:5) that many will come, saying that they are the Christ. Remember a few days ago we talked about Father Divine and Yahweh Ben Yahweh. Yesterday we covered suffering and trauma. Again, Jesus in (Matthew 24:32) explains that Israel will begin to grow again. Israel’s soil is cultivated and the seed is showing signs of life. Israel is experiencing a rebirth. Yes our times are troubling, but also these times of life are exciting. Many people have no personal faith in Jesus Christ. Even, most if not ALL religions of the day have no hope in tomorrow. You say to me; “Why is that Jesse”? Please note: John 5:31-47. Only the witness of Jesus the Son of God is true. Moses, David, Jeremiah, Matthew, John and Paul; just a few of the thirty seven writers of the Living Word of God, and yet all of them wrote and testified that the Son of God, (namely) Jesus is the Way the Truth and the Life. Get in the Boat with Jesus and be safe.

Lamentations 3

Lamentations 3:12 – I notice that some of the people of God today are spiritually feeble. Our conservative bent has been good to place us in a strong standing as being opposed to abortion, misappropriation of our taxes, immorality a host of the public sins of the nation. But we have allowed our selves to become weak by rejecting the suffering that goes on in our heart and soul being placed there by well aimed arrows of the LORD as He guides us through troubling times.

Lamentations 3:13 – I see and feel the pain and suffering on the faces of God’s people, yet we are so reluctant to seek relief. When we talk of this, we tend to dance around the edges, afraid even among our selves to share. The result is that God aims a little lower with His arrows and strikes our loins. From the heart to the lions (kidneys) or better put our emotions. From the pulpit we choke back the tears.

Lamentations 3:14 – As a nation we face troubling times. Our pastors and teachers stand on the threshold of ridicule, even among those who call themselves “Christian”. What a pity! Maybe you can already hear their taunting song? 2 Peter 3:3-4.

Thursday, March 10, 2011

A Look at the Book #412

A Look at the Book #412

by Jesse Abel

Daily Devotional – A Look at the Book #412

A Though for today by Papa “J”

A skeptic is one who believes nothing. Their mind is like a bag of dried weeds. All is taken in only to rot like plant life and be swept away by the wind. Psalm 1:4-6


Most of us know the very moment of hearing bad news. We know where we were, what we were doing and we remember our immediate reaction. The assignation of someone important, the loss of life in a major accident or terror plot, you remember and it is as if you were there. If the incident is unrelated to you personally there is compassion. If the incident is personal, like the loss of a child, parent or loved one, it is full of grief and mourning. Well as humans we say that this is normal in the process of living life. Here is the point! Do not despair there is hope! “For God so loved the world…” yes, you know that verse by rote memory, but do you know the following verse at all, or the ones after verse 17? We should not stop here. What about the verses before. Take a serious moment and read John 3:9-21. God is not willing for anyone to perish. He remembers the selfish rebellion of Lucifer. And He remembers that we are but dust. God knows compassion and grief. Psalm 103:14. Don’t leave this planet like a bag of dried weeds. Let your soul live in the truth of Psalm 103:1-22. Bless the LORD O my soul! And if you have the time, take a look at Psalm 104 as it starts and ends as well with those very words also! Learn to praise the LORD, even in your sleep.

Lamentations 3

Lamentations 3:9 – Sometimes I feel as this man Jeremiah, that I a blocked or hedged in. I would like to talk of peace and prosperity. There is plenty of peace and prosperity in the Word of the Living God, (The Holy Bible) but it seems as if there is a heavy weight that causes my path in life to stagger like a drunken person. I know that path too well! My jaw speaks of the pain in my eyes as I see the conditions of the counterfeit systems around me. I do weep, but no one hears, even those close to me.

Lamentations 3:10 – God can be like the bear, when I am distracted by the flesh, He reaches out with spiritual discipline and my soul cries out in pain. Surely I did not think too clearly LORD. Help me to avoid these dead end streets of the flesh. O how thankful I am for those ambushes from Him as I know that I cannot get away with anything. How good it is to be disciplined by the Hand of my God, my Friend and my Companion in all that I do.

Lamentations 3:11 – As Solomon would agree with Jeremiah here in this verse, there is a time to be torn apart and put back together again Ecclesiastes 3:3. This He will do in our personal walk and our national walk with Him. Personally I am torn to pieces. I suppose this condition is necessary in order that I might get a glimpse of our national condition. Yet my hope remains in the LORD for God will heal this backsliding nation according to His plan. Isaiah 57:14-21

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

A Look at the Book #411

A Look at the Book #411

by Jesse Abel

Daily Devotional – A Look at the Book #411

A Though for today by Papa “J”

Sometimes our understanding of things seems to be at odds with reality. Just watch any television commercial. What is strange is that most people buy into this way of life! Could it be that we live in and approve of a counterfeit lifestyle?


A hard subject is racing through my mind this morning, so I will spill it out and see if it becomes worthy to share. In the gospel of Matthew, chapter 16, Jesus asks his disciples who the people of Caesarea Philippi say that Jesus is. Their answer is really no different than the answer that most people give today. They answered; “A good man like John the Baptist, or like one of those prophets of old, Elijah or Jeremiah.” “I see”, he said, “but who do you say that I Am?” The disciple Peter spoke up and said; “You are the Christ, the Son of the Living God.” Earlier in Matthew’s gospel, Jesus is accused of casting out demons by Beelzebub. These religious leaders called Jesus the Son of the Living God (the dung-god). Can you imagine that? Blasphemy! The world has a god for everything. Yet, Beelzebub is also a reference to Satan and is a fitting description of Him, the dung-god. Jesus has much to say about casting out of demons in Matthew 12:22-30, but I would like to focus on verse 28; Jesus states clearly that He used the power of God the Holy Spirit to cast out the demons. Jesus is fully God and fully man. For some people, Jesus is just a good man, for others He is the hypostatic union of God and man who used the fullness of God the Holy Spirit to prove His Deity during His ministry on earth. Those who reject the union of the Godhead with the man Jesus will reject God the Holy Spirit first. Matthew 12:31-32.

Lamentations 3

Lamentations 3:7 – Jeremiah states in this passage that God has hedged him in and placed chains on him so that he cannot get away from the vision of his beloved nation being destroyed in front of his face. I am not a prophet. Actually I am the son of a drunk and followed in his footsteps for a season. Today I sometimes follow the LORD and when I do, He points my face to see this dying nation.

Lamentations 3:8 – Jeremiah wept bitterly over the fall of Jerusalem and he felt that God shut out his prayers over the nation. I know that many of us pray for our nation to repent, some are even praying as David prayed and fasted for mercy when his child was sick and dying because of David’s sin. 2 Samuel 12:15-23. In this passage there is hope, but it is hope of a new day, not to pick up broken pieces or to rebuild. But to start anew because the old is dead!

Proverbs 13:12 says this: Hope deferred makes the heart sick… the heart of American people today is sick with sin, we have placed hope aside. Hope will return like a tree of life, when America repents.

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

A Look at the Book #410

A Look at the Book #410

by Jesse Abel

Daily Devotional – A Look at the Book #410

A Though for today by Papa “J”

Yes, He looked at the Day and here it was the two million five hundred and fifty five days since that first day found in Genesis 1:5. Human thoughts on this subject do not control the outcome. Imagine this! To you and me those days represent seven thousand years, but only seven days to God. 1 Peter 3:8


Cutie Pie, our female parakeet observes herself in the mirror every morning. Her cage is sitting on a table directly across from my desk. She does a little primping and feather dusting and then settles in for the long haul of the day listening to music. I wonder if she is a discerner of the times since the radio station has a news section on the hour. It may be that she discerns the times better than those who the news is directed at or even the news person. This morning the talk is on the mardi-gras and fat Tuesday. The comments of the news person called out to my attention. The news was: “Most of these party events end at midnight, but here it is 6 AM and this is live partying is still going on, here on Bourbon Street”. Another person in the news room said; “That’s odd, they should have ended at midnight as in past tradition”. The news person said. “It’s not odd at all, everything this year is running late; the mardi-gras, Easter and college break. It is all late, so party, party, party! The point! Are you a discerner of the times in which we live? If not, please take a serious look at 1 Timothy 4:1-5. Awe heck! Maybe you should read both of the Timothy Epistles.

Lamentations 3

Lamentations 3:4 – Some seventy years ago with the bombing of Pearl Harbor someone said that the Japanese woke up a sleeping giant. At that time our nation was like the man Jeremiah speaks of here in this passage. As a nation like an old man sluggish in movement, ruddy in complexion and a backbone appearing as broken to the world around us, the outlook was doom.

Lamentations 3:5 – Also, because of the talk of surrounding nations, some in this nation succumbed to woe and bitterness of heart. We rounded up Japanese citizens and locked them up for a season. As a nation we broke a few more bones trying to collect our thoughts of damage control.

Lamentations 3:6 – We again currently live in dark times, but unlike the sleeping giant, now we show signs like the agonal respirations as of a dying man whose heart is broken. What will it take to restore this nation to the sound of Sinus-Rhythm? (The sound of a normal heart), or will the heart of this nation, flat line? I do not what to sound like an alarmist, but what to heck. The hand writing is on the wall and I am not the one who put it there.

MENE, MENE, TEKEL, UPHARSIN. God has numbered the days of our kingdom, our scales of justice have become tarnished with perversion and greed and our kingdom is divided with evil against evil, thus as Jesus states in Matthew 12:22-30, that kingdom will fall. Daniel 5:24-29.

Monday, March 7, 2011

A Look at the Book #409

A Look at the Book #409

by Jesse Abel

Daily Devotional – A Look at the Book #409

A Though for today by Papa “J”

“The bin of flour was not used up, nor did the jar of oil run dry, according to the Word of the LORD which He spoke to Elijah”. (1 Kings 17:17-24) If you believe God, He will supply all your need.


I was saved in May of 1975 and after that 21st day of May a journey began for me that many people in time never fully get to know. Many people are conscious of God, but many do not personally know Him. And some who do know Him have abused their relationship with Him. Both conditions of the heart are seriously sad conditions. Notice something that many of us have difficulty understanding. In John 7:32-36 Jesus is conversing with some of the Jewish religious leaders and he says in verse 34 that religious people seek Him but do not find Him and cannot go to where He is. There are many accredited theologians who say that people then seek after God, but notice what Jesus says. They will not find Him! Romans 3:9-18 the apostle Paul in these verses under the power and communication of God the Holy Spirit states clearly in verse 11 that there is none who seek after God. So continuing this thought; Jesus and Paul being of the same mind on this subject state clearly that this type of seeking fails to find God.

Is it then important to investigate the use of the word “seek” in these two sections of scripture? Yes, most truly it is important. The word seek from John 7:34 and 36 is the Greek zeteo literally means to worship God in a bad way, or to plot against God, this is what religions do best. Now we will look at the word, “seek” in Romans 3:11, it is the word – ekzeteo please note the similarity. But there is another word attached to the main word which is “ek” meaning, (action) on the part of the seeker, like a diligent search, or to go beyond the thought of the main word. Again this is something under the normal control of our flesh that will not happen, we simply are satisfied in the flesh to plot against the knowledge of God. Romans 3:9-20.

So here is the important point that we should give serious consideration to. John 7:37-39. Jesus makes a promise to those people He is talking with. If anyone thirsts, let him come to Me and drink. He who believes in Me, as the Scripture has said, out of his heart will flow rivers of living water.” So now it is necessary to look at the Greek word for “thirst” after all this word would seem to fall in line with seeking so as to quench ones thirst. Dipsao literally or figuratively it means to be of unquenchable thirst. A thirsty heart has no ability to share living water with another thirsty heart. Jesus states that only He has the ability to quench the thirst of a dying soul. Those who come to Jesus will be given living water of such satisfaction that the flow from them to other thirsty souls will be like a river to those who thirst. This is the major difference between religious theology and a one on one relationship with Jesus. Religion in this sense of seeking is DEAD, while Relationship in this sense of thirsting is alive in Jesus via the promised power of God the Holy Spirit who is given to us at the point of salvation, John 7:39 and Romans 5:1-5. So in order to be a true child of God who is flowing with living water, a person must have the Holy Spirit of God at home in their soul (heart).

Friday, March 4, 2011

A Look at the Book #408

A Look at the Book #408

by Jesse Abel

Daily Devotional – A Look at the Book #408

A Though for today by Papa “J”

Is your automobile thirsty this morning? Does the cost of fuel stagger those futile attempts of you mind to understand? Return to the LORD! Isaiah 55:1-13 and John 10:7-18 (Abundant Life, Is available!)


It was nearing 2 A.M. our depth was four hundred feet and our speed was 15 knots. It was time pump the sanitary tanks. The Officer of the Deck ordered the Diving Officer to reduce the ships speed to six knots and proceed to 125 feet. As the ship slowed to 6 knots and leveled off at 125 feet I noticed that the ship was very sluggish and kept sinking. I found it impossible to maintain the depth. Two errors were reported that morning, One: any time there is a depth change the weight of the ship will require an order to pump the variable ballast tanks to sea or to flood the tanks with more sea water. This evolution adjusts the weight of the ship to help maintain depth. The second error was the that the Chief of the Watch who controls the valves and pumps to intake or extract sea water from these tanks was busy teaching one of his men on some qualification point and was paying no attention to the orders of the diving officer or his duty station. Also, his elbow was leaning against the flood valve and he totally filled the forward ballast tank. At fifteen knots the extra weight was masked by the speed. Here is the point: As a people we are weighted down with sin and not paying attention to our duty stations of life! God consciousness is given over to selfishness. Husbands and wives have lost their way as ONE. Children have no parental authority and our national heritage no longer speaks American English. Shall I go on? I am beginning to run out of writing room. There is little blessing while God is cursing! Leviticus 26:1-46.

Lamentations 3

Lamentations 3:1 – Hey! Your reading this as I write so there must be some interest going on in your mind. If not; then why do you read? Why not just go back to bed and forget it, then you won’t have to labor over these things. Let me say this! If you are reading then you are a person who has seen, like Jeremiah the affliction of God’s wrath on our national ungodly ways.

Lamentations 3:2 – Like most of us He has caused us to walk in the ungodly conditions of this nation to get our attention. While He works personally in our life, He also works nationally. In other words not all of our darkness is individually patented as personal. Much of it is not being able to fully separate our self from the conditions of our nation. It is true with national light too, which in these days is rather dim.

Lamentations 3:3 – Like Jeremiah, we tend to take the justice and judgment of God over the nation as a personal matter. Thus we are no different that sinning Israel. Just think of it this way! When I am personally critical over national matters, I am reminded by God that I am part of the problem (a sinner). So throughout the day or time and time again, rather than repenting we become like backbiting Israel. God has only one option. To remove the blessing!

Thursday, March 3, 2011

A Look at the Book #407

A Look at the Book #407

by Jesse Abel

Daily Devotional – A Look at the Book #407

A Though for today by Papa “J”

In the days when prayer was in school sitting next to the Ten Laws of God, Shariah law was not known in the streets of American Cities. This is regression. Please take a moment and read 1 Peter 3:7


Solomon lived as King over Israel in Jerusalem for forty years (2 Chronicles 9:29-31). During that time there was peace, but this does not mean that Solomon did not know war. In the book of Ecclesiastes he clearly states that there is a time for war and a time for peace along with everything that happens to mankind while living under the sun. Ecclesiastes 3:1-8. King David, Solomon’s father was a warrior and in the Psalms of David, he writes about the enemy and prayerfully enlists the help of Jehovah Elohim, (God) to protect him and the nation. The total reign of David the warrior was also forty years. 1 Chronicles 29:26. Here is the point: It is not that We The People have no hope! If we would simply repent and turn back to God. (Jesus who is Jehovah Elohim) will allow us to know hope. He would heal our nation and destroy the enemy whose god is the devil. Shariah law is the work of demons who’s leader is Satan. Notice what Jesus has to say about Satan! The thief does not come except to steal, and to kill, and to destroy. I have come that they (you and me) may have life, and that they may have it more abundantly. John 10:10. Mr. Muslim you need to repent or go home! This Land is not your land of Shariah law. It is our land, the Land of the Free, of the Liberty and Justice for all.

Lamentations 2

Lamentations 2:20 – This verse really fits well with the paragraph above, it is strange to me how I will begin in the morning with thoughts of some current event and then when I get to the study verses there is a parallel to what I have been thinking. Would you say that we watch as women consume their offspring? Yes, we do through abortion. Are priests and prophets being slain? Corruption and perversion are very good at slaying characters and destroying testimonies.

Lamentations 2:21 – The way of life for most of us today is the way of the lie. It is so sad today that one cannot expect to hear the truth and assumes the lie. The sword of deception has destroyed the virgin daughters and sons, even to the third and fourth generation. I wonder have you ever stopped to consider how long of a period of time this is. Fifty to eighty years depending on the judgment of God’s justice. Like it or not, we are in for the long haul, sixty years and still counting!

Lamentations 2:22 – Jeremiah says, God has set a day of judgment for Israel. The terrors of the coming day surround him. God does not need fancy technology like “surround sound”. Justice and judgment is on the doorstep, ready to cross the threshold of any nation that rejects God. The ones we have borne are being destroyed. You say different? Just look around at our cities and towns and tell me that deception is not the rule of the day. Our young people are soaking it up like a dehydrated sponge! Sadly, all we do is sit and watch. Proverbs 24:7

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

A Look at the Book #406

A Look at the Book #406

by Jesse Abel

Daily Devotional – A Look at the Book #406

A Though for today by Papa “J”

The scope of the problem in American lives today is not unemployment, economy or government. These are simply indicators of a haughty people bent on shutting God out of their lives.


The mystery of godliness, we talk about this a lot in churches and God willing we will talk about it fervently until the day dawns and the morning star rises in our hearts. (2 Peter 1:19) This controversy is an ongoing debate throughout all ages so this should mean something in these apostate times in which we live today and it does. God was manifested in the flesh (Jesus), proved to be God, by the Spirit of God in Him (Jesus). Seen as God by angels at His Birth and His Resurrection (Jesus) preached of as God by His disciples and apostles to the gentiles (Jesus), Believed on as God by the world (Jesus) and Received up into glory as God. (Jesus). Only God in the power of the testimony of His Spirit filled saints of whom I am one by the grace of God can cause you to believe. His saints have recorded the following truths that you would do well to personally believe. John 1:14; 1 Peter 1:20; 1 John 1:2; 1 John 3:5-8; Matthew 3:16; Romans 1:4; Matthew 28:2; Acts 10:34; Romans 10:18; Romans 16:26; 2 Corinthians 1:19; Colossians 1:6 and 23 and Luke 24:51. To look at the person Jesus and fail to see Him as God is not mystery, it is apostasy, or just another definition of personal and national haughtiness.

Lamentations 2

Lamentations 2:17 – Around 588 B.C. the prophet Jeremiah wrote the book of Lamentations and apostasy was running the nation of Israel just as it is in our nation today. The scripture here tells us plainly that God was accomplishing His purpose, fulfilling His Word which He commanded in earlier days. Leviticus 26:16, we have little problem identifying these purposes or commands as the later cycles of discipline on Israel, but when it comes to our own nation we seem to find ways to reject the thought that God would in some way pity us. Let me ask you! Do you see rejoicing in the eyes of our enemy and an increase in his strength toward us? God has a purpose and a plan.

Lamentations 2:18-19 – Have we become so stiffnecked (haughty) that we are too proud to cry out to the LORD for mercy? Yes we have! Until the day comes (and is coming) there will be no tears for our sinful position as a nation before God. Israel had no repentance in their heart in those days and as a nation were disbursed throughout the world and have not to this day fully recovered. (Israel will recover when King Jesus returns), but “now hear this!” There is no such promise for the United States to recover from apostasy. There should be no relief to rest your body or your eyes until as a national repentance is found on your lips. Wake up nation lest we become like Nineveh one hundred years after Jonah called them out of apostasy. Unless we cry out in the night and pour our heart out to the LORD this nation will fail. He is the only One who can deliver the promises of blessing that we seek. Leviticus 26:3-13. Some would argue that all this applies to Israel and not any other nation. Shame on you! As I believe that Romans 3:1-31 applies well here.

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

A Look at the Book #405

Daily Devotional – A Look at the Book #405

A Though for today by Papa “J”

General Douglas McArthur once made this statement: “Men we are not retreating, we are advancing in a different direction!” Could this be prophesy for today’s molded military?


(Taken from an article in the publication; Israel My Glory. November/December 2010). Have you ever heard of these men and women? Yahweh ben Yahweh; Lord Maitreya; Sung Myung Moon; Mitsuo Matayoshi; Mother Ann Lee; Father Divine and Baha’u’llah. All of these individuals wear a mask in that they believe they are the Messiah. Matthew 24:24 For false christs and false prophets will arise and show great signs and wonders, so as to deceive, if possible, even the elect. One could argue that these men and women do not have great powers or work wonders. But the truth is that these people have gained vast revenues and thousands of followers. For example; Yahweh ben Yahweh is Oklahoma-born his name is Hulon Mitchell Jr. He has served time in prison for racketeering. He has also been implicated in more that a dozen murders. He claims to be from the Jewish tribe of Judah, and states that all black people are of that tribe. While taking a vow of poverty he has amassed a 250 million dollar empire within a seven year period and has disciples in 1300 cities in the U.S. and 16 foreign countries. Why do I bring this to the frontal lobe of your thoughts? All of these people push world peace and if you care to look around, the world is looking for peace. Have you not noticed Egypt, Libya and even the unrest in the United States! 1 Thessalonians 4:13 through 5:11 is a literal interpretation of near future events.

Lamentations 2

Lamentations 2:14 – In Matthew 24:24 we read that false Messiahs and false prophets are popular as the day of the LORD approaches. False prophets have always been a threat to the devoted saints of the LORD and as judgment on a nation increases false prophets will come out with deceptive visions. You say what is a deceptive vision? Okay, how about legalized same sex marriage. You say; well I don’t buy into that one. I say, well yes, but what about your children?

Lamentations 2:15 – We read something similar to this in chapter one verses 10-11 and we are reminded again that God has put the nation of Israel on display. A nation that was once the perfection of beauty and joy is now a nation to be hissed at. A nation that when viewed from afar is now seen as one fallen.

Lamentations 2:16 – Make no mistake, Israel suffers today because he walked away from the grace of God. God was patient with Israel, it took years to disburse this great nation but by A.D. 70 the total nation was disbursed. It has been plus fifty years and counting since our nation began publicly placing God on the outside of our schools, governments and communities. Now many of our churches are full of false prophets… so what should we expect from the Hand of God. More than just a good slap in the face! Yes more!