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Monday, March 21, 2011

A Look at the Book #419

A Look at the Book #419

by Jesse Abel

Daily Devotional – A Look at the Book #419

A Though for today by Papa “J”

The one who is on welfare cries for a little more, and when satisfied, will need a little more to the third and fourth generation! Proverbs 30:15


I may have talked of this before but I think it is worthy of repeating. One day not long ago I needed to rent a small moving truck. About two miles from where we live is one of those convenient stores with a gas station and truck rental service. The owner is Muslim and when I went into the store he referred to me as “brother”, but I noticed the cigarettes and pornography magazines that were immediately in your face. Also there were lottery cards and other bangles and beads, all to attract attention to anyone’s sinful nature. I explained that I was not his brother and that I was a believer in Jesus Christ, a Jew from Nazareth, after that he referred to me as friend. I was no longer his brother. He went on to tell me that he was a honest hard working Muslim who believed in peace, that he did not lie and that we could be good friends and that I could trust him. After renting the truck, I said; “We could not be friends!” He said; “why is that?” I said; “because you are crippling my people with the sin of pornography, cigarettes and gambling. To me this is dishonest gain and promoting lies to those who you befriend. His dark complexion turned a little pale and I left!

Acts 8:9-25

Sorcery and witchcraft, you know when we think about this type of deception we think of potions, charms, cursing and magic. But when you investigate sorcery and witchcraft you find out some interesting things that are very common to our everyday life. Pornography and gambling are not habits of men or women. These are stumbling stones of deception that fit well in witchcraft. Smoking, alcohol and drugs are also deceptive and are directly related to sorcery.

Thus it is very important for you and me to be ready to stand against the deceptive works of false religions. A person may say he or she is your brother or sister, but all the while they are looking for an opportunity to do at least two dangerous things to you. One: To cause you to stumble and fall from your knowledge of God, and Two: To gain income from your ignorance of truth. Notice in these passages in Acts that Simon to Sorcerer knew that the power he believed in was inadequate. Verse 19 states that he was willing to pay for the greater power of the Holy Spirit.

Religion has no place in the kingdom of God. Acts 8:21 “You have neither part nor portion in this matter, for your heart is not right in the sight of God”. Yet, God who is full of mercy is willing to rescue the perishing, even the religious Muslim who rents trucks and sells pornography. Otherwise he too will perish like the money he extracts from poisoning the people around him. There is nothing sinful about renting trucks, but it is sinful to sell deception.

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