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Thursday, March 31, 2011

A Look at the Book #427

A Look at the Book #427

by Jesse Abel

Daily Devotional – A Look at the Book #427

A Though for today by Papa “J”

The intent of the media today is to stir up emotional outbursts of liberal ideologies that cripple the intended hearers so that the whole of society will be forced to believe that the welfare of a nation is safe by the very government that is destroying it. Apparently there is enough governmental and media wool to cover the eyes of the ignorant!


As a military person for most of my adult life there have been many opportunities to experience changes to the norm. What I mean is this! In twenty nine years I changed duty stations fourteen times, so on an average I stood on the outside looking in at an old duty station every two years. When you leave a duty station for another, it takes only a matter of minutes to realize that you are leaving a way of life behind where friends and responsibilities were. You will move on and find new responsibilities and new friends, yet you will not forget those back at the previous station. You would think that after so many changes a person could get use to it. Or as my step-daughter would say; “get used of it!” No, I never did but I was able to adjust and that is what we all do in life. There are many bumps in the road of life, even bends in the road as Dr. David Jeremiah would say. The major concern for change is worry and the Living Word of God clearly acknowledges worry as SIN. Here are some verses of scripture that will help you overcome worry when change is at the threshold or on the horizon. Psalm 43:5; Psalm 52:22; Matthew 6:30; Philippians 4:6-7; Philippians 4:19 and 1 Peter 5:7

The Epistle of James

James 1:7 – As we continue our thoughts about faith and work, or endurance and work, I would like for us to understand that God is the One who works and wills the things in our life to His good pleasure. There is a little verse tucked away in Luke 12 that will help to remove worry which leads to doubt. Luke 12:32. God’s will or desire for you is to give you kingdom rewards. There is a faithful enduring servant and also there is the unfaithful doubting servant – Luke 12:22-40. Which one do you line up with?

James 1:8 – If there is some way for the devil to trip us up, he will find it. I know several believers who confidently have faith, saving faith! Yet they have no endurance in trials or testing. Faith and works as preached upon these days by modern pulpiteers is not a confession of faith by helping out in the church. The faith that God is looking for in you and me is the faith that endures through trials and temptations or testing. Helping out in the church is good and spiritually motivated, but enduring faith is hard to find these days because so many of us have become double minded.

James 1:9 starts another perspective that the apostle will be covering through James 1:11 we will cover that in its context. I love to study the Word of God; over and over again I am reminded by Him that no matter how many times I read and reread His Word, He adds newness and freshness to it. My prayer is that you may find joy and purpose for living. Let God shine His Light on you and your days of darkness (doubt) will turn into days of praise. Endurance is the perfect work that the apostle is focused on in His epistle. Notice Hebrews 12:1-2

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