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Wednesday, March 23, 2011

A Look at the Book #421

A Look at the Book #421

by Jesse Abel

Daily Devotional – A Look at the Book #421

A Though for today by Papa “J”

The Name Jesus Christ of Nazareth is a name that is above all names. It is the only name that provides hope for the lost, healing for the lame and forgiveness for the sinner. Acts 4:10-12.


In our morning devotionals my wife and I are reading through the book of Isaiah. What strikes me in this book so far is God’s everlasting love for His people. Yes I am talking about Israel and yes I am aware of those “replacement theologians” who say that there is no future for Israel. If you have read anything that I have written over the past five years then you know that I am a dispensationalist and I believe in the literal reign of the Messiah Jesus Christ to reign on this earth for one thousand years in the very near future. Now I do not have a Master Degree in Theology, but I do have some biblical college training, but even so; that Associates Degree I set aside to say this! Jesus is a Jewish National and anyone who names the Name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth as their LORD and Savior believes that He is coming again as the Spirit of God gives witness to this truth.

Let’s take a break! How many dynasties are recorded in the Holy Bible? Let’s see, the Babylonian Empire; the Meads and the Persian Empire; the Greek Empire and the Roman Empire. Did I get them all? You be the judge! We say that all of these empires are expired except one and that the Roman Empire will rise again. You do not have to be a student of the Holy Word of God to see that the Roman Empire is being revised even as I write and you read. We also know from history that none of these empires had a blessing of God to survive. So even the Roman Empire in all of its coming glory will fail. So there is a fifth dynasty which is literally ignored by the replacement theologian. Jesus is coming again. He is coming as KING of kings and LORD of Lords. Revelation 19:11-16. So when Jesus comes again all of the nations of the world will be peasant bound and subject to Jesus who is the rightful owner. The nations will be serfs to the KING and He the LORD will rule with the Power of the fifth dynasty that will be Jewish.

I find it more important to cling to the promises and challenges of God, then to follow the teaching of some man made theology. In Deuteronomy 6:10-19 God challenges His people to obey His Word and to not go after other gods. The Jewish people today follow the messages of the past and present rabbis, who do not follow the God of the Bible. In the same manner many so called evangelical churches are following the false teaching of men who willingly place theology above the power of the Holy Spirit who guides the people of God into all truth. John 16:13-15. (These few passages of scripture are not complicated with theology and maybe that is the whole point)!

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