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Monday, July 13, 2015

The Devotional - R018

The Devotional


Thirty six times the apostle Paul teaches regarding the righteousness of God in His epistle to the Romans, thus there is a high standard in God’s call to mankind to be saved and sanctified in the righteousness of God. The standard when compared to the righteousness of humans is not comparable at all. For an example; people who are professional launderers sort those items that are washable. Soiled material of color with color, soiled white things with other white things. However when it comes to clothing and material that is stained with bio-chemicals and fluids of the body; these materials are even further separated from regular washing. I remember that while on the fire department if body fluids from the injured or diseased came in contact with the fire-fighters gear or the emergency medical clothing was contaminated it was destroyed by fire. Now read what God has to say about our righteous ways of living – Isaiah 64:6 but we are all like and unclean thing, and all our righteousness are like filthy rags. (Literally a garment of filth).

Challenge: Romans 4:13-26
God requires that all people (Jews and Gentiles) to live in His Righteous standards. This morning we will only cover this subject called in verse 13 of Romans 4, the righteousness of faith. All people are called of God to live and abide in God’s Righteousness, there are NO EXCEPTIONS. Let us look at this verse again. For the promise that he (Abraham) would be the heir (inherit) the world was not to him or to his seed through the LAW, but this promise came through the RIGHTEOUSNESS of faith.

We see this clearly if we will only take the time to look into Abraham’s history recorded for us in Genesis 17 through 22, but you can see the events of faith working in Abraham in specific verses, 17:4-6 and 22:71. Abraham came to faith (he trusted God) then God in return provided (imputed) Righteousness to Abraham. This same thing happens to everyone who comes to God by faith, they will receive God’s gift of His Righteousness, apart from self-works on the part of the one who comes to Him.

Now just what does this Righteousness look like? Romans 13:11-14 clearly reveals this. The message from God to all of us is to “Wake up” wake up out of the sleep of “self-righteousness”, time is running out and with every call to salvation we come near to God, we become restless almost waking up. It is time to toss of the bed clothes full of the soiled things of darkness which will be burned up. Now is the time to put on the armor of righteousness (God’s Light). This means that we ought now to walk decently and not in the self-righteous sins of revelry, drunkenness, lewdness and lust, also (where most of us are); not in strife (fighting) and envy (jealousy).

Okay, I understand but I need help! Praise God that you or I can even muster up that thought! Yes we need help, but not from our own “frame of human reference” we need to put on the LORD Jesus Christ and make not provision for the flesh, to fulfil its lust – Romans 13:14. In other words, WE MUST BE WILLING TO BELIEVE THAT JESUS CHRIST died and rose again for YOU and ME personally! On the cross when He said, “IT IS FINISHED” He said this to YOU AND ME personally so that we would know the work of salvation is complete in HIM and no other – John 19:28-30.

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