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Wednesday, July 12, 2017

A Daily Devotional – Ephesians – Personal Meditation (14)

A Daily Devotional – Ephesians – Personal Meditation

Comment: Sometimes, maybe most times we seek to rush through life, after all isn’t this the way of life for most who seek to grab all the gusto they can! Forcing life into an overstuffed capsule of time is not the way our Creator planned life for you or me. There are clear patterns to live and enjoy life, but these are not found in the classrooms of today, and these are not found in our homes either. The battlefield of life, liberty and the joy of peace with God is rooted and grounded in His Love. For God so loves the world that He gave His Son, His only human born Son, that whoever turns away from that overstuffed capsule of time and believes God’s message will enjoy the benefits of Life in Christ at that very moment and lasting forever. There is nothing on this side of eternity better.

Devotional: Ephesians 4 through 6 – Progressing through Ephesians is a wonderful journey for me as I hope it is for you as well. But as always, I am barely scratching the surface of God’s wisdom as revealed by the Holy Spirit through the writing of the apostle Paul. Taking a look back to Ephesians 1:15-23 we see the apostle’s prayer to The God of our LORD Jesus Christ, the Father of glory. Paul prays that God will grant to you and me the Spiritual Wisdom and Knowledge of Him. O that we would agree with Paul’s prayer and willingly turn from the rudiments of this world.

In Galatians 2 the apostle warns this local church to stay with God’s grace and to keep away from those who try to return to the law. Well today I think there is an additional evil to stay away from and that is the liberal nonsense of worship that leaves God outside the door of the congregation, while entertaining the devil. The church of today looks like our marriages and children, DOES IT NOT? In every way the marriage between one man and one woman fails so do the local churches. Even the members of the church fail, as do the bondservants (workers) who respond to the masters of the church.

Our armor to resist the devil in some churches cannot be found. Stuffed somewhere in the attic or basement, covered over with old song books that are replaced by the noise of the overstuffed time we live in. Then we have the audacity to say that we are worshipping God. My, what an error of spiritual awareness! We fail to stand against the wiles of the devil. Why? because most churches today do not wear the armor provided by God. The evil day is upon the church because the armor to stand firm in the LORD is not readily available.

Some may disagree, so be it! Even our helmets of salvation are worn amid personal sin, rather than personal faith. The sword of the Spirit (The Holy Bible) is laid aside for worship songs that are nothing more than emotional expressions of our selfish will, rather than what God Wills. God is longsuffering toward us, but He will not put us with our self-indulgences forever. The mystery of the gospel of God is “still a mystery” to many. The world around us lives in the dark and much of the church of Christ today is dark too; see Ephesians 6:18-20.

There ought to be something to say that is full of the grace of God! Ephesians 6:24 Grace be with all those who love our LORD Jesus Christ/Messiah in sincerity. Amen.

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