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Monday, July 1, 2013

The Devotional - 078 - For better or for worse!

A Thought for the Day – 078 – For better or for worse!

Psalm 119:153  Consider my affliction and deliver me, for I do not forget Thy law


Comments and challenges

Have you taken a walk lately through the neighborhood? You can tell a lot just by observing the properties you pass by. One has a beautiful yard. Plants and trees all seem to be in the right place and the landscape serves to make the whole yard pleasant. Like a neighborly place to be or enjoy.

But a step or two further the block reveals a stark difference. The stone wall of this yard is broken down. Overgrowth of the yard reveals thorns from unkempt bushes. Nettles from the trees are all over the place and the grass needed cutting three weeks ago.

These two homes and landscapes seem like different worlds, yet it is of the same family, only a generation or two has slipped by. Your watchful eye of this change has also become blurred in observation and you find yourself saying; “What is going on here”? Perhaps I’ve been asleep or slumbering over my own personal goals. No it is much deeper than that!

A little sleep and a little slumbering in our way of life and we begin to reap the results of poverty from a silent but powerful prowler. If this were just one of our neighbors, we might be able to isolate the evil from the good, but it is not a neighbor; it is me and you. The point is this, once we had a landscape of the home of the brave and the land of the free.

Today this same neighborhood portrays a vineyard of men and women devoid of understanding and even today the LORD God gives us revelation after revelation of adult men and women crying over the loss of their homes by storms and tornados. We see children holding on to parents legs with tears of hopelessness caused by fires that have blown through the neighborhood and taken away our comforts.

I see these as small warnings from God that as a nation we have turned our back on Him and we have purposed in our hearts remove the beautiful landscape of children and family, for the landscape of Sodom and Gomorrah. Yes it is time for you, Mr. Humanist to say… balderdash!  Not I, but Proverbs 24:30-34 answers you loud and clearly.

Also let me not forget to add Matthew 10:5-15, in that day the LORD Jesus sent His disciple into the neighborhood, He encouraged them to preach to the neighborhood that the kingdom of heaven is at hand. Then after much encouragement He said that there are those who will not hear and that those who do not receive the message.

He told them to depart from those places since in the Day of Judgment that Sodom and Gomorrah will be able to tolerate their pending judgment more that future generations. Why? Simply because we (the future generations) know the truth and we have suppressed it and kept it from being heard by our children, thus our judgment will be more severe. Romans 1:18-32 is a portion of scripture being worn out in churches worth their SALT all across this land.

There is time to repent America, but even so… if repentance comes to this land, do not expect the landscape to resemble the way it was, who knows it could be better or it could be worse; but know this… for the better or for the worse; this land is still OUR LAND.

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