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Monday, July 15, 2013

The devotional - 089 - Soul Search

A Thought for the Day – 089 – Soul Search


Proverbs 15:1-3 – What I find so interesting in the Living Word of God is that it does not matter what you read from scripture, or how many times you read it; it is still refreshing, still encouraging and always a blessing. Did you notice in verse three that God keeps His eye on evil and good, do not mistakenly assume that what you do is hidden from God.


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Do you know that having a devotion time with the LORD God does not take long and this time spent with Him can set your day in blessing that when you lay your head down on the pillow at the end of the day you will say to your soul.

“Soul, you have been blessed beyond words today”!

This morning before I began this devotional I thinking of something to write about and I was reminded of SIN, we all sin do we not and if you believe that you do not sin I would say that you are arrogant and full of selfish pride and this my friend is SIN. This is not my human interpretation or definition of sin, it is God’s; let me show you.

“This is the message we have heard from HIM (Jesus, who is God) and declare to you, that God is light and in Him is no darkness at all” 1 John 1:5

God is not good or evil; He is Holy (set apart) therefore Proverbs 15:3 is correct. He sees from His Holy Kingdom of Light; ALL things going on in our good and evil kingdom of darkness. The scripture above states clearly that there is no darkness in Him. The question I have for you, the one that only you can answer to yourself and what God already knows about you!

Are you hiding something from yourself, your loved ones, are you ashamed in some way about your dealings with others? These are signs of wrong doing against people and SIN against God. Notice Psalm 51:3-4. Now the passages I am referring to this morning are directed at those men and women who are believers in Jesus Christ and I know that I am speaking to some who say they know Jesus, but lack the faith needed to be biblically saved and to both the saved and unsaved I say; “Listen Up!” God knows you better than you know yourself.

Do not take offense at this but open your heart to the Bible and notice Truth. I think that verse 6 and 7 of 1 John 1 brings this out clearly an speaks to the universal church as well as the local church and personally to each believer; in that not all who say they know Jesus, know Him as God; that is who He is. God calls us to walk in the Light and if we say that we have fellowship with Him and walk in darkness, we lie and truth is not at work in us; we are not practicing truth we are practicing darkness which is a lie.

Now this is not hard to understand, but if we are practicing darkness it is easy to ignore. Now why should I bring this up at all? Well just look around your little area of life! Each of us have our own weight to bear (that would be life’s baggage) if you believe in Jesus; then He alone is the resurrected Savior who has already bore your sin, that baggage has been removed you do not need a special church blessing, or a confession to some man like yourself. I like what Isaiah says of God’s response to King Hezekiah when He repented. Isaiah 38:1-22, please note verse 17.

Hezekiah speaking: “Indeed it was for my own peace that I had great bitterness; but You have lovingly delivered my soul from the pit of corruption, for You have cast all my sins behind Your back”.

I have barely scratched the surface of what needs to be said, but it is time to wrap this up today. Let me be clear; what I am saying is concerning our national condition of rebellion against the Creator and even the condition of our so called Christian Churches. In our churches we are practicing darkness while preaching the LIGHT and in our nation our darkness is like that of the adulterer who eats and wipes the mouth and says “I have done nothing wrong!” Proverbs 30:20.

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