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Monday, July 29, 2013

The Devotional -099- Oh! Just the thought of it is JOY!

A Thought for the Day – 099 – Oh! Just the thought of it is JOY!


Proverbs 29:1 – Which would you prefer; to be corrected by another human, or be corrected by the Living God? My preference… the Living God since He alone is Just and fully Righteous. While I may harden my heart in the matter (my choice)! His unselfish love is the only forgiveness that can restore my soul for His Namesake (Psalm 23). Don’t be naïve and be destroyed without remedy. Jesus says; “Let not your heart be troubled: you believe in God, believe also in Me”.


Comments and challenges

We have talked a little about Justification and Sanctification so this morning let’s talk a little about Glorification! It is that time in the future when this physical body will be laid to rest in the grave (or) if we are alive when God calls home His church, more popularly known as the rapture; or as scripture reveals in the epistle’s of the apostle Paul; that we all shall not die (or sleep) as he says, but that we shall be changed – in a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trumpet. For the trumpet will sound, and the dead will be raised incorruptible, and we shall be changed, 1 Corinthians 15:51-52 and 1 Thessalonians 4:13-18. The apostle also calls this a hidden mystery.

Now he does not say that the mystery is hidden from the church (this would be you and me) and we need to remember this because it is a dividing line in major church doctrines across this land. The apostle is saying that the words he is communicating to you and me (the True Church of Jesus Christ); are not to be considered mysterious, these words are plainly revealing that in the Old Testament, which include over ninety percent of the information in the four gospels that the translation of the saints of God off of the earth will happen at God the Father’s appointed time in the future.

We will let scripture back this up, I like scripture don’t you? Scripture does not lie; it is the absolute Truth of God to everyone who believes. Acts 1:4-8 in these few verses, Jesus promises that the Holy Spirit will come to the Church on earth and individually fill the existing believers – verse 5; then in verse 6 his disciples wanted additional information about the future kingdom authority coming to earth. In verses 6 and 7 Jesus; the King of kings plainly says that this information belongs to God the father, even Jesus as King of kings was not privy to this information.

Now this is important point in glorification; our ministry on earth is to receive the power of the Holy Spirit of God and be a witness of the death and resurrection of Jesus. We are called for this purpose just as the disciples were called way back in AD 33/ 37. We are to be witnesses of Jesus, even to the end of the earth. Now the scripture also reveals that the earth will someday have a; God planned ending. If you believe in some kind of evolutionary process, then you do not believe in God the Father; Acts 1:4-8.

God the Father HAS CONTROL of His Creation; NOT man. Any human that concludes that ANY evolutionary process is true is rejecting the gospel of God. That is: if he or she is involved in a New Testament church; any pulpit commentary becomes false teaching and stands on the doorstep of the abyss. Revelation 20:11-15. Now you may say… “WAIT JUST A DOGGONE MINUTE” these are the works of UNBELIEVERS” well true, but let me ask you a question. “If God has control over Creation (including the death and resurrection of His Son) and you being a primary part of creation, do not believe that God created you according to His Plan and Purpose; who is going to win that argument?” So I say to the others: Beware do not be deceived by the philosophies of unprincipled men. Colossians 2:8.

We cannot choose what we want to believe, we must believe the whole “good news” it begins with Acts 1:4-8 and other related passages and the good news continues through the death of Jesus Christ for the “sin of the world”. In the Person of Jesus Christ all of the fullness of God dwells; He is the One God revealed to mankind during His ministry on earth for the purpose of defeating, Satan, Sin and Death Colossians 2:9-10. Why? It is simple really! Note: Matthew 28:1-20 if Jesus were not God manifested in human flesh, He would not have Risen from the grave.

This sacrificial death was agreed to in eternity, before the creation of the heavens and the earth, speaking to Israel through the prophet Isaiah, God says in Isaiah 46:8-12 (Please read it) God the Father promises salvation to come to Israel, this was around 700 BC, well are you saying that this is a long time. Not to God! The apostle Peter says plainly that a thousand years to God is as one day, (2 Peter 3:8) so God’s plan and purpose for the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ at that moment in time was less than a day away on God’s prophetic calendar. More tomorrow! On God’s time table, Jesus died and rose again less than two days ago, so for Him the Rapture of the church could be sooner than you are willing to admit or prepare for. I am ready; “Oh glorious day, glorious day, Jesus is coming to earth again… what if it were today? Are you ready!

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