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Wednesday, July 31, 2013

The Devotional - 101 - The United States of America

A Thought for the Day – 101 – The United States of America


Proverbs 31:1-9 – As the name is searched out about a king in the Holy Bible by the name of Lemuel and his mother who spoke to him about his character and duties as king. I find the name interesting in that this name Lemuel is the name of Solomon and means “belonging to God”. Makes me want to know more!


Comments and challenges

Yesterday I mentioned that I would be considering going to the Google Blog to send out the devotional; there was no response from anyone. So beginning tomorrow August 01, 2013 everyone will need to RSS or however you do it these days log into: to read the devotionals since these will not come by email any longer. The sending of over 100 emails each morning is becoming difficult. I do not know how others do this without complications, but if I find out soon enough or if I see that folks are having difficulty with the blog, I will seek to research this further. Thank You!

There is an increasing number of public issues that are developing that are being swept under the carpet… so to speak; so I am going to begin revealing stuff as I see it and ask God to help me back up these things with scripture. I do believe that we are behind the power curve in our national duties as citizens of the United States of America. Like most of us who say we are Americans, we need to be careful with that statement and here is what I mean.

For months now, even a year I have sought to say just that, that we the people are citizens to the United States of America; therefore we are not Americans of the Americas as peoples of the North and South American Continuants. There is a BIG difference in these terms. My main effort is this: peoples of the United States of America do not entertain the thought of identifying or incorporating nationals of other peoples, tribes, cultures, migrants or other various illegal groups who abide on the soils of these continents as members or citizens of the United States of America.

Our national heritage, language and our Constitution did not permit and strongly opposed the infiltration of foreigners. The government also formed statutes of checks and balances to prevent our nation from becoming a third class nation; like the nations found in our so called America of the Americas today. We are blending in nicely and if we are not careful we will be absorbed into these cultures very soon. It may from a human viewpoint be too late.

Like most of us today we are being bombarded by every political “watchdog group” all conservative patriotic groups and even some high ranking politicians. All seeking donations to help them fix our nation, our government and our society; these even have surveys that ask the same questions. The surveys are of little importance since there is no one who (with any clout) will analyze the input, so these entities are only interested your donations.

My conclusion is this… PRAYER is the only solution to our national woes, not money or motivated groups. Folks we are in the lament stage of asking God to intervene. God is the only hope for the United States of America. Just as king Lemuel’s mother spoke boldly to her son, but also fondly in that she showed affection in calling him the son of her womb. We the people of this United States of America need to let God know that we are FOND of our Nation, fond of our constitutional government; our sons and daughters who lived and die to defend our freedom and fond of our God who can and will protect our national heritage if we call out to Him.

We cannot just roll over and sleep like the drunkard found in the parallel verses of Proverbs 23:19-35, we need desperately to cling to the challenge in the two verses above; Proverbs 23:17-18.

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