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Thursday, July 4, 2013

The Devotional - 081 - Birthright!

A Thought for the Day – 081 – Birthright!

Today if you are seen by the world as blameless or undefiled as Psalm 119:1 and 2 challenge us to be, we are thought of as “old fashioned or to the extreme; cultish”. This thinking I believe is the fault of being liberal with the training our young. We as a nation have not guarded the soul of our young and we are reaping the results of Proverbs 22:5-8.


Comments and challenges

On Tuesday I began lamenting over our Nation’s failing foundation and on Wednesday I complained about those para-legal and para-church organizations that sincerely seek to bail out the American Way by extracting donations from the few Americans that are left with a dollar or two in their pocket after the federal and local governments get their portion to run their declining efforts to rescue their empires from the sinking sand.

Today I briefly want to help us see that power in human government and power in human wisdom will always fail to produce the necessary freedoms that this Nation once enjoyed. Again, many of us know that the hand writing of major change is written on the wall. I would say however that the majority of people in the United States of America do not CARE and simply laugh. But for the moment if you are one of these people… STOP! LOOK and LISTEN for the wall is falling.

Malachi 1:1-5 – As a nation we have replaced our God with idolatry in the worship of other gods. God has had enough of our ill worship. As a nation we are like Esau who sold his “BIRTHRIGHT” for a little welfare soup and a socialistic piece of bread. I am not going to spend much time on this, but you can search out these matters on your own and if you are serious with God about this, He will be serious and answer you. In Romans 9:6-13 the apostle Paul explains Israel’s rejection of God’s Purpose of overseeing the nation. I like his statement… “They are not all Israel, who are Israel” and like him I say; “we are not all citizens of the United States of America who are claiming to be citizens”

Malachi 1:6-14 – Our offerings to mend the nation are polluted, many of our secular donations fall into the hands of men and women who say all the right things but actually do all the wrong things. In other words their efforts even if connected to a biblical priority fail to achieve renewal and are wasted in compromise. God is wearied with our desire to throw our resources on the fires of evil and watch as these are burnt up in offerings to mend our failing secular humanism.

Malachi 2:1-9 – There have always been many “religious” and “idolatrous” factions that have a common goal to destroy the “One God” who is the Author and Finisher of FAITH. The priests of these corrupt beliefs have taken this United States of America and made it full of injustice as the Law of Truth cannot be found in their messages. Their messages are corrupting our cities and towns with terror; like that of Dearborn, MI.

Malachi 2:10-17 – We are not becoming a nation of treachery and infidelity; we ARE a nation of treachery and infidelity. It is time to face up to our failure and call out to God. God is the Author of OUR INDEPENDENCE. Today if you hear His voice, do not harden your heart as in the days of Malachi or as in the days of the wilderness journey of Israel. In God’s anger we will not find peace only His wrath. We as a nation need to repent; this very moment in time we need to seek His Rest from all of this. Hebrews 3:1-19.

Now I know that I have rapidly traveled through the first two chapters of Malachi and missed much of the challenge that is presented to Israel over their idolatry and sin, and ours as a nation too. But we as a nation have wronged ourselves by not seeking God in these matters of freedom and liberty. Simply put… the most educated man or woman cannot successfully govern this nation, or any other nation without the Help that God provides, all we need to do is seek HIM with the whole HEART (SOUL).

We need to stop robbing God, now I am not talking about “money” God does not need money or any of our natural resources… HE OWNS IT ALL and the bottom line to this; just look around! We have tossed our sons and daughters in the fires of abortion and sacrificed them to demons. We have tossed our educated young into the hands of immorality, making them immorally minded. We have tossed our income into the surveys of meaningless venues that have little to do with restoration and lastly; we have polluted our sanctuaries with marriages that are an abomination to God. These meaningless and evil efforts ROB GOD of His ability to BLESS THE NATION, God in His Mercy says this: REPENT – Malachi 3:8-12, yet some will answer from a hardened heart and say NO! As those in Malachi 3:13-15.

I hope your day is a prayerful one from a heart that seeks true INDEPENDENCE! Good Day!

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