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Tuesday, June 2, 2015

The Devotional - 59

The Devotional

The first time I visited Spain I was struck with this thought; “Everyone I see looks sad”! Businessmen, laborers, shoppers and even the children were affected by this unhappy countenance about them. Then I visited a place called “Victory Villa” in Rota Spain, a place for servicemen of the United States of America to come to and find solid Christian Fellowship and good Bible teaching. In the Villa we found people with love in their heart and joy on their lips. The ship I was stationed on had only five professing saints, surely there were more but these were living in the world (the flesh). If you are a saint of the LORD God today, you understand what I am saying, if not… keep reading and you will. It is not that I have the power to explain this truth, but God the Holy Spirit does so it is my prayer that He will open your eyes to the Truth that is found in the Person of Jesus Christ. Spain at this time was under the government of a dictator, therefore the freedom within the nation was suppressed and the lives of everyone were strictly controlled. While I was there (only for a week) an entire tribe of nomads were slaughtered by the government just outside the city of Rota and a Spanish sailor was hung on one of the ships moored across the pier from where we were moored.

Challenge: Lamentations
Lamentations 1:3 – once a nation is stripped of its freedom by another nation it is certain that tyrants and dictators will govern what is left, of course what is left is a remnant of what once was. Mostly these are elderly and children. Also the lame and the halt (slow mentally) will be there, these are “easy pickens” for any half-wit dictator. The young boys will be marched off to camps and trained for battle, the young women will be forced to slavery and the old, the lame and the halt will be euthanized.

You might say to yourself, “I don’t see what you are saying?” okay then read if you will Psalm 119 in full, it is the longest Psalm in the Holy Bible and it is written from exile, the same exile of Lamentations. The writer of this Psalm sees the full impact of national collapse as he looks back to his beloved city and laments over the roads that lead to Zion (his homeland). He sees the mourning of peoples as they are forced to leave their homeland and he experiences the daily persecution and death of his people by a ruthless enemy.

Lamentations 1:4 – The gateways into the city are empty and the priests of the LORD groan because they have failed to lead the nation spiritually. This by the way is the major “fault” of Judah who departed from God and began worshipping the creature rather than the Creator. (The United States of America is walking this same path). Bitterness is in the hearts of the virgins, the lame and the halt who are now subjected to the will of unprincipled rulers.

Lamentations 1:5 – When the enemy takes over there will be peace for the enemy who now rule, but not so for the nationals that remain, these will be oppressed and governed by the very idolatry and immorality of false gods they once toyed with. Proverbs 6:27-28 says this: “Can a man scoop fire into his lap without his clothes being burnt? Can a man walk on hot coals without his feet being scorched? So he who sleeps immorally (with another man’s wife) he will not get away unpunished.

In other words, when a nation who knows the Creator departs from Him and commits adultery with the false gods of the world that nation will serve those gods as slaves to the bondages forced by them. We read this in verse 5 it is very clear and it is the discipline of the LORD God that the children of a once Godly Nation is now captive to its very own ungodly enemy.

How close are we (The USA) to this ungodliness? At the present time our nation’s Constitution is being destroyed; our core values of life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness has faded. Homosexuality abounds (A SIN), the murder of unborn babies, in the millions (A SIN). Leviticus 18:21 read this verse and weep, by the millions our national inventory of children have been delivered to the fire of Molech. Our military is saturated by immoral regulations and is weakened to the point of uselessness. And as citizens of a once great nation, we applaud the ways of immorality and pave the way of more debauchery by electing unprincipled men and women, I could go on but I am sickened with these thoughts and need to stop!
There is a song out there somewhere that repeats “God Bless America once more” the words are simply repeated in rote fashion which is shameful if you think about it. If the writer of that song knew the Truth, he would never have written it since the LORD God has said “ENOUGH ALREADY”!

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