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Wednesday, June 24, 2015

The Devotional - R008

The Devotional


So yesterday we discussed that the Light of the gospel of God is His perfect Righteousness, we can also say that this is God’s unchanging Character. Even though God has revealed the Godhead to mankind it remains invisible to the world that lies under the enlightenment (or ever increasing) knowledge of unrighteousness. We can also say that this darkness is mankind’s predictive and changeable character. Now you may be thinking, whoa, just a minute; where is Satan in all of this? Good question, we might ask the apostle why he did not refer to this fallen angel or any of his demons in the entire epistle to the Romans. Paul, with this one exception in Romans 16:20 in a context totally separate from man’s innate (inborn or natural) unrighteous bent, speaks of people who purposely choose to be divisive, who use the methods of Satan to deceive those who are of faith. The unrighteousness of mankind does not need any help from the demonic world, mankind has a natural mind to know and do evil works and he or she needs no help from the devil.

Challenge: Romans 1:20-32
In the Epistle of Hebrews the writer states that it is a fearful thing to fall into the Hands of God. Hebrews 10:31 and the context of this passage is “The just (saved or justified) shall live by faith.” Once we are given the Light of the Gospel of God we are challenged throughout scripture to live by faith, to refrain from things that trample underfoot the Blood of the Covenant, if we do this we insult the work (grace) of the Holy Spirit – Hebrews 10:26-32. 

This same principle of justification applied to Adam and Eve in the Garden, they trampled underfoot the Command of God by doing what God commanded them not to do and they insulted His Grace - Genesis 3:1-13. Now Satan was involved in this action by mankind. Yes Satan did place in the heart of man the same rebellious pride that destroyed him and the fallen angels. Once this work of deception was completed, Satan involved himself in other ways to war with God, we can see more of this battle later.

The fall of mankind is permanent and it is progressive meaning that it is an ongoing and ever increasing enlightenment of spiritual darkness to rebel against God, Romans 5:12-14. What is this unrighteousness, how do we avoid it and how do we get out from under the curse of God’s Righteous Wrath? 

First – Knowing God is not enough, all of Creation knows God, Psalm 19, Romans 8 and many other passages provide enough proof that mankind is without excuse, knowing is not believing, even the devils knows God.

Second – Unrighteousness is anything that mankind does that mixes “good with evil” for instance worshiping God by exchange the Truth of God with the lie by serving the creature (idolatry and false religion).

Third – Being conformed to the standards of the world, rather than transformed by the Living Word of God, later we will identify the standards that the world is living by.

My time is up here this morning, so we will get back to it tomorrow. May God’s grace bless you today.

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