The Devotional – Fight the good fight of Faith (Part 1)
Comment: Have you heard the news? Have you seen
the pictures? Are you agreeing with the thoughts and direction of social media
today? Why bother to help the local law enforcement keep our communities safe!
We ought to be like all the rest, why not; when we see a problem develop… just
take out our smart phone and film the whole event. If the filming is not
enough, then let us put it on public display. Some will “oh” and some will “ah”
but the victim will suffer a price, a price that will tear at the core of
humanity in ways that destroy. For example: a child, misbehaving becomes victim
of some misfortune, who is to be blamed for this? His parents of course, why
correct the child? A police officer, over reacts to a hideous crime and the
officer’s punishment is worse than the punishment of the perpetrator. Is there
no JUSTICE? Justice these days is in the eye of the beholder and usually the beholder is everyone who fails to do
Devotional: I can find myself agreeing with a man
of the past whose name is Jude. Frankly I do not like what he has to say in his
epistle, and yet if I am going to agree with God at all I must be willing to
understand that the days in which we live are EVIL. Just as evil as in the days
of Jude’s writing, he identifies himself as the brother of James, writer of the
epistle of James and both men are half-brothers of Jesus Christ.
This may take a few
days to put together as I do feel that the epistle we are about to work with is
PERTENANT for TODAY in Christendom. Where are the defender of FAITH today? Most
certainly the pulpits of churches currently are filled with MEN who do not know
how to contend for the FAITH. These men have become traitors, heady and
high-minded. Sadly, they are familiar with the church since they came out of
our fellowships, read what the apostle John has to say in 1 John 2:18-19 or the
context from verse 18 through 23.
Jude is writing to
you and me, that is if you a “CALLED and loved by God the Father and PRESERVED
in Jesus Christ” In verse 1 the word “sanctified” (NKJV) is the same as “loved
by God” and the words “preserved in Jesus Christ” are the same as “kept by
Jesus Christ” does this not remind you of a passage in John 17, this is a must
read John 17:1-26; note verse 12. A wonderful verse that reveals at least two
truths. (1) Jesus keeps those who are His, He will lose NONE. (2) but there are
some within the ranks who are sons of perdition, who Jude in his epistle is
going to contend with.
There is a REAL need
for the called and loved by God, those of us who are kept by the power of the
resurrection of Jesus Christ to fight the fight of FAITH. Someone recently said
and I agree Christendom is ALWAYS one generation from extinction. This extinction
does not come from the outside influences of humanism or the isms of the world’s
religion. It comes from men and women who are sons and daughters of perdition
(of the devil) and these folks live in the midst of the church grounds, teach
Sunday School, sing in the choir and smile like the saint, but a closer look
reveals the truth; Matthew 23:27.
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