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Wednesday, August 24, 2016

The Devotional – Excerpts from the Gospel of John (5)

The Devotional – Excerpts from the Gospel of John (5)

Comment: The Prophets of God spoke of the coming Messiah. The Holy Bible in the dispensation of Israel which ‘begins with the call of Abram; Genesis 12:1 and continues through Matthew, Mark, Luke, John and Acts 1:1-8 temporarily concludes with the ascension of Jesus. Acts 1:9 the Church dispensation in its infancy begins. You and I today are living in the church dispensation. We; like John the Baptizer of the Jewish dispensation, ought to be anticipating the return of Jesus/Messiah. Someone once said and I agree, that the return of the Messiah is only seven years from this moment in time, which means this! The Seven Year Tribulation (a return to the final seven years of the Jewish dispensation) can begin in the world at any moment; that is, when this church dispensation ends (1 Thessalonians 4:13-18). This can happen at any moment, even before we finish the devotional this morning! Even so COME LORD JESUS!

Devotional: John the Baptizer has a testimony, he was a man who seems obscure, but is not. John’s testimony of the True LIGHT penetrates its way into the heart of Herod, Tetrarch ruler of a fourth part of Judea; (mainly Galilee). Of course, this was humanly fatal for John since he becomes the first martyr as a witness of TRUTH and is beheaded, much like the martyrdom we witness today. Matthew 14:1-12. 

The boldness of the witness of Truth found in John the Baptizer’s testimony ought to be found in the “church” today, yet it is NOT! We ought to be the VOICE of the return of MESSIAH, but we are NOT! I believe that God is very displeased with the functions and the participants in churches all across this land and for that part throughout the non-persecuted areas of the world. So where are the witnesses of the True Light?

Are we not the remnant of saints stuffed into the ‘wilderness’, are we not crying out to a people like the people of John’s day? Do not the religions say; “who are you to say that the return of Jesus is soon” are you a Prophet, or Elijah, or better yet “who do you think you are The Christ”? The answer of course is emphatically; NO! So why does the Church today in the United States of America suffer this blindness of Truth? It is corrupted with Idolatry and with the filth of immorality, and truly; only the blind religious leaders and their followers of today are those who cannot see this.

There is coming a day soon when Jesus will return in the air for His Church, for the LORD Himself will descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of an archangel, and with the trumpet of God. then the dead in Christ will rise first. Then we who are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds to meet the LORD in the air. And thus we shall always be with the LORD. Therefore, comfort one another with these words; 1 Thessalonians 4:16-18.

Since the Word of God reveals this Truth, we ought not be ignorant, if you chose to remain ignorant, then simply put… you are not saved by the grace of God since you have no faith in God, thus you are BLIND. Twenty, twenty vision in the kingdom of God is “GRACE, FAITH” Ephesians 2:8 and Hebrews 11:6.

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