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Thursday, August 25, 2016

The Devotional – Excerpts from the Gospel of John (6)

The Devotional – Excerpts from the Gospel of John (6)

Comment: We ended this paragraph yesterday with “Even so; Come LORD Jesus” today we will look at the LAMB of God through the text of God’s Holy Word in John 1:29-34, Revelation 5:6-14 and 1:2:24. Sacrifice is one of those words we fail to understand, in addition to that; it is hard for us to imagine how God our Father could allow such an event to happen to His only ‘begotten’ Son. None of us are worthy, none of us understand, we are all alike since none of us really seek after God as the apostle Paul says in Romans 3:10-18. Sin and Sacrifice are the furthest thoughts from our being. Yet, when God who seeks us out and justifies us as He did with Abraham and we believe, God imputes His Righteousness to us. This may be the only ‘miracle’ we ever experience; but if you have not yet had that experience, then please look to the God’s sacrifice; the LAMB. See Roman 4:7-8.

Devotional: “Behold! The LAMB of God who takes away the sin of the world!” John the Baptist sole purpose in life was to proclaim Jesus/Messiah to the Jewish nation. The nation was looking for a king, but not a LAMB. The LAMB they understood was a routine sacrifice over the last 2,000 years, millions of these animals had been a substitionary covering for the sins of the people. Now here is John’s message about an obscure Person, who would not only take away their sin, but also the sin of the whole world. A permanent solution to man’s desire to live in darkness; John 3:19.

My message is short this morning since I have two events, one has past and another is a half hour from now. I will pick this thought up again on Monday, in the meantime; Revelation 5:8-14 reveals that the LAMB of God is WORTHY, He was slain for your sin and mine. Yes, BUT now with the scroll and the seven seals to open He is the Lion of Judah. The King of kings and the LORD of lords. Blessing and honor and glory and power is His, He now sits on the Throne, the LAMB… forever and ever. And like the four living creatures we shout “AMEN.”

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