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Thursday, June 22, 2017

A Daily Devotional – Ephesians – Personal Meditation (7)

A Daily Devotional – Ephesians – Personal Meditation
Comment: How could one forget a time when life was threatened with drowning? No! This is not an easy task of the brain to forget. We all have experienced moments in time when life seemed over, yet and by the Will of God, here we are; still alive and still moving forward through time. The point of this thought is; we live among the people of the world around us, the people who were and the people who will come. The world is filled with people, but we individually are an entity of one, even if we have a wife! See Genesis 2:23-24. The world would swallow us up, but it is God alone who keeps us alive and God is daily our delight. He should always be thanked and praised for His wonderful and loving care for the sons and daughters of men. 

Devotional: Ephesians 2:14-22 – With so many billions of people all around us, why would God in a moment of time, save us from physical death? That is; why would God rescue someone from being hit by a bus, from drowning, or war, or some other danger? Does God single out certain people to stay alive and hear the gospel of His Son who died for the sin of the world, or is God concerned for the souls of all people? A familiar passage and answer to this question is found in 2 Peter 3, it is a promise of God, one that we who are saved can share with others, see 2 Peter 3:1-9.

So as the apostle Peter stirs up the mind of his readers, we are reminded that that God is in control. Nothing will happen to anyone without the Omniscience of God knowing and the Omnipotence of God in control. God is never slack in His promise to His Creation. This brings us to the wonderful truth that all peoples of the world, those of the past, the present and the future are brought near to God through the gospel of God, in Christ. Whether we are Jews or Gentiles, it is the Blood of Christ and God’s covenant promise of John 3:16 that brings salvation to all, to both the Jew and the Gentile.

Christ is our peace, He Himself has broken the wall of separation. The subject of the Jew and the Gentile, we call the Circumcision and the Uncircumcision is only a picture of the unrest between two dispensations. The Truth is that there is a much larger wall of separation between God and His Kingdom and man and his domain. Jesus Christ/Messiah has abolished (destroyed) this wall by reconciling all men, both the Jew and the Gentile to God into one, the Church. Christ/Messiah did this through the cross.

He, Christ/Messiah came, He preached peace to all of us, both far and near. Therefore, when we believe God through faith we enjoyed access to Father/God, by the Spirit and we are no longer strangers. We are fellow heirs; citizens even, saints and members of the household of God. Thus, Christ is the only “Cornerstone” of this truth. The apostles and prophets are the foundation of the Peace of Christ and work of His reconciliation. A True building growing in holiness, a Temple in and of the LORD. In whom we also are being built together for a dwelling place of God in the Spirit.

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