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Tuesday, January 18, 2011

A Look at the Book #375

A Look at the Book #375

by Jesse Abel

The Devotional – A Look at the Book #375

Papa “J” and his thoughts?

There are the simple in every room of the house, even the prudent! But the wise person who fears the LORD will leave the house and go home, and the fool rages on and on and on! Proverbs 14:15-16 revisited

John Newton is well known for his life and faith in Christ Jesus his LORD, he is also known for the Song, “Amazing Grace” which he wrote, although most hymnals include stanza #5 that was written later by John Rees. Mr. Newton wrote another hymn we sing often and the name of that song is; “Glorious Things of Thee are Spoken”. This song is more about the nature and foundation of the city of the saints future. A city where God lives, a city where the Word of God will never be broken, the Place where Jesus the solid Rock of Faith lives, a city protected by the gospel of God. The point! Men and women who are the saints of God continually speak of a city who's Builder and Maker is God Himself. Saints Fear the LORD! meaning that they are willing to make mention of this City to everyone in the uttermost parts of this temporal world. From age to age the story, the path and the mission of every saint is pointed at the New Jerusalem. If your eyes are not on Jesus who has gone to prepare a place for you in the New Jeruslem (Zion). Then you are most likely on some religious dead end street and not on the road of the majestic LORD who will be first the Judge, second the Lawgiver, third the King as He alone is our Savior. Psalm 87 and Isaiah 33:20-21. If you do not get past the Judge, you do not get in!


Psalm 37:21-24 What is it that the wicked borrows and does not repay? He or she borrows the saints mercy and then spreads it over a selfish banquet table. To the world it looks like they are the gracious host, but not being satisfied with this fleesing of the flock of God, they continue the scam in their own clan. Then if caught in their deception, they will blame God and His saints.

The signs of the times we live in is much like those times in Isarel. Like the apostasy found in the book of the prophet Hosea 8. In chapter 7 of Hosea he starts with the impenitence of Israel (backsliding) and how that forced the nation to rely on other nations for financial and economic support (sound familiar) if it does not, then you've no doubt burried your head in the sand.

As saints, we need not fear. Oh, of course the circumstances of judgment of God like; famine, pestilence and increased natural disasters will continue and we who are alive will suffer through for a short season. But Jesus is coming for His Church, if your church is not His church, you may have to stay until salvation comes to you. He is coming soon! We shall not be utterly cast down for He alone has the Power, the Authority and the Rank to uphold His promises with His Righteous Right Hand and He will reign Supreme. 1 Thessalonians 5:1-11

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