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Wednesday, January 26, 2011

A Look at the Book #381

A Look at the Book #381

by Jesse Abel

Daily Devotional – A Look at the Book #381

A Though for today by Papa “J”

I may have struck a nerve with the devotional of yesterday. Of the two blogs, the one that is aimed at the gutters of the world, we had over four hundred viewers. By the way… those in the gutters do read, praise the LORD!


What would it be to you and me if there were no wisdom or glimmer of truth in the world around us? Oh Bosh! That would never happen! Well now maybe we should give this a moment or two of thought? There is a push throughout the world to dumb the populations of the world down. One effort is called socialistic (government) rule and the other is called autocratic (dictatorship) rule. Both are forms of oppression, both work by controlling life, liberty and the pursuit of truth. The first attack is on life, once life is controlled the next step is to take away liberties by exacting laws that control freedom. Once these two elements have directed the population through controlled education, the Truth is extinguished and the dumbing down of a people or nation is complete. The cost of this nationally is terminal, and on a world wide scale is setting up for the end of life on planet earth. Can this trend in the world today be corrected? Some reformed theologians believe it can, if so what are they doing about it? I see nothing! There is but one solution. The world cannot function without Truth, so Jesus is Coming Again, either the world will repent (unlikely), or the world will soon witness the heavens open and Christ will come with His Army, His translated Saints with Him and His Reign will be millennial. Revelation 19:11-16 and the oppression of socialistic and autocratic rule will be destroyed for ever Revelation 19:17-21.

Psalm 38:1-2

I believe that when a person who knows the LORD and walks away from Him, that he or she will respond just as king David does in this Psalm. Most of us who are born again have felt the rebuke of Jesus Christ when we sin. To God it does not matter if the sin is adultery, or stealing. Sin is sin! Such a small word, but one sin the size of stealing a plastic bag carries enough weight to feel the hot rebuke of God and the terrible knowledge of destroying your testimony of holiness and obedience.

His chastening comes from every angle in the mind. Guilt, sadness, emotional anguish, loneliness, helplessness and a host of conditions in the mind that tell you, you have sinned against God and wronged your fellow man.

Then, as if that is not enough, and usually it is not enough the weight of God’s Hand will press you down. Depression will set in. Now I have committed a lot worse sin, but recently on the way to the dump I thought of stealing the plastic bag that the trash was in because the dump charges nearly two dollars a bag for these special dump bags. The moment of truth was very weighty. I could in my mind hear God’s hot displeasure. “What are you thinking Jesse? For two dollars you are willing to throw your testimony away with the trash! I own the cattle on a thousand hills. Can I not provide what you need before you need it?” Awe LORD you are so awesome! You bring me to tears of repentance and joy!

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