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Friday, January 28, 2011

A Look at the Book #383

A Look at the Book #383

by Jesse Abel

Daily Devotional – A Look at the Book #383

A Though for today by Papa “J”

Aminni dominni! Poof you are a frog! Or hockus pokeus, be eaten by a swarm of locust! I remember as a child playing these games and moms would call us when we got home, little angels or saints. Think about this for a moment or two!


Over sixty four sins are recorded in the epistle of 1 Corinthians and a good study for anyone would be to count them. Want to see something that I find interesting? Notice the first few verses of 1 Corinthians 1:1-3. Verse one: Paul called an apostle of Jesus Christ through the will of God. Then again in Verse two: The church of God at Corinth, to those who are sanctified (set apart) in Christ Jesus called saints. The words (to be) in italics are not in the original manuscripts but are added by translators for flow and connection. God called Paul an apostle and he was. Why? Because he personally followed Christ and this was the will of God. Just as it is the will of God that those who are set apart for Jesus Christ are called by God, saints. So I do not believe that any human religious authority has the power to call men or women saints. Since the only one who maintains that authority and power to lift humans above the sixty four sins found in this epistle is Jesus Christ. Who by the will of God is the Lamb of God who qualifies us to become saints, Colossians 1:12-14, so comfort yourself with this thought. Grace and peace come from God our Father, the Father of all saints who call upon the LORD Jesus as their Savior. Romans 10:13

Psalm 38:6-8

For me I find a great deal of comfort as I read the thoughts that are racing through king David’s mind. He says that he is bent down (troubled) then he goes on to further explained that he is reluctantly bowed down as God forces him to mourn over his sinfulness of the past months. Daily, physical pain and spiritual anguish is about all that David can think about… ever been there? I have so I can speak with some authority. I do not want to know this condition of life ever again.

Being broken by God is very real and the scripture text that comes to mind here is found in the epistle of Hebrews. Hebrews 4:11-14, once we depart from the rest of faith that God has prepared for His children to abide in there will be no rest for the wicked. The only reward is unrest like we observe here in these passages of David’s confession.

Turmoil of heart will make anyone small or great in the eyes of the world groan. All of the private desire of mankind is before the LORD. Every emotion we generate is visible to God, so hearts fail… not because of health, but because of sin. The weight of sin, not forgiven is an unbearable burden. How many ways does it take to explain this truth before it sinks in? The heart and strength give way to weakness, even the light in the eyes begins to go out. Awe; go ahead, run to the doctor for a pill or a band aide, both will wear out soon. But for me, I am looking to my compassionate High Priest. Hebrews 4:14-16. He is eternal and He never wears out.

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