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Monday, January 31, 2011

A Look at the Book #384

A Look at the Book #384

by Jesse Abel

Daily Devotional – A Look at the Book #384

A Though for today by Papa “J”

Testimony – a solid declaration of truth based on an observation by a witness. That is a definition found in most dictionaries. Here is the biblical definition. One’s character before the eyes of God and man, if it is not the same then you are a hypocrite! Both definitions are not far apart. Matthew 23:27


With just about everything a person can do, someone else can find a fault it what is being done. So I will be directing our thoughts to one word; observation. I believe (and of course some would observe not to believe) that God did not give us eyes to observe and condemn, but to observe and give praise. All of the chatter that runs out of the mouth about our negative observations accomplishes NOTHING. When is the last time you or I accomplished our goal of a critical spirit where it worked out well? I can think of none! At the very least of this is that someone might be heard saying; “well I vented some of my frustration and now I feel better”. Is that selfish or what? So here is the way to stay off the dead end street of critical observation. “Rejoice in the LORD always. Again I will say, rejoice! Let your gentleness be known to all men. The LORD is at hand.” Philippians 4:4-5 for the whole of the matter read Philippians 4:6-9 too! God’s children do not need to observe the world (they know it and they know what to expect). Saints need to observe; things that are true and noble, things that are just and pure, things that are lovely and of good report. Finally believers in Jesus Christ must observe virtue and express a praiseworthy Spirit. This is the testimony that does not fail the trials of living in and among the lost. Look, in doing this you will properly observe that one lost sheep that Jesus is leading you to! Luke 15:3-7.

Psalm 38:9-10

The heart that contemplates repentance from sinful bondage will painfully sift through the various weights of indifference found in the rebellious attitudes of the heart. Each desire must be evaluated, tossed out or revised to the will of God. It is not an easy task to regain the blessing of living a holy, confident, Spirit filled life after having fallen away for a season of time. Most Christians know this first hand. I praise the LORD for you if you have not had to climb out of this terrible spiritual rut.

The sighing comes just as one feels the accomplishment of repenting from some issue, only to see in the minds eye, another stumbling stone right behind the one just cleared. If you live in New England, repenting is like these back to back snow storms that keep us shoveling snow on Wednesday instead of going off to our Wednesday night prayer service. The soul that has to pray for forgiveness of the mounds of selfish sin has no time to pray for the “one anothers” in Christ. (Matthew 7:1-6)

The heart that is sick with sin races with confusion, doubt and fear. Repenting from a season of sin is not impossible. Repent and behave as a Christian. Romans 12:1-21. Verse 21; do not be overcome by evil, but overcome evil with good.

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