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Thursday, March 8, 2012

The Devotional - A Look at the Book #664

by Jesse Abel

Meditate on this!
How many avenues of law are there? Physical, natural, public and spiritual and there may be more but for this simple mind these will do. How many of these laws have you broken or abused? If you are a saint according to Biblical Grace… you have overcome the world. 1 Corinthians 3:18-23 enjoy the LORD today!

During Veteran’s Day my wife and I went to a local restaurant where we met a very elderly gent in a full dress Marine Corp uniform. He had enough metal on his chest to sink any submarine I was ever on and I thought to myself that he must have trouble getting about with all that weight. He was with two elderly women. I congratulated him for his service to the country and I soon began thinking… “What a blow heart!” his conversation was mixed with many confusing comments. He was a loud talker I think because he was a bit hard of hearing therefore it was easy to hear what he was saying. Sometime later while reading the local newspaper we saw his picture. He had been at the Veteran’s Day Celebration in our local town, he was honored war hero and he was in his nineties. Now I am not saying that the man at plus ninety years of age is a liar; I believe he is the war hero he claims to be, but what is sad is that people (you and me) often take what is good and turn it into evil because our motives are wrong, sinfully and selfishly applied, even at plus ninety years old. Eli was a good judge but his application to family life was sinful and selfish. 1 Samuel 4:12-18
James 5
James 5:7-12 – There is a song we sing. “O the King is coming, the King is coming! I just heard the trumpets sounding, And now His face I see; O the King is coming, the King is coming!” What an awesome thought to keep in mind. Is this the dominate thought on your mind today? Most likely not, most likely you are busy with the day, maybe even walking spiritually but busy with the chores of ministry, family or just plain old work.

The day of the LORD is at hand, oh yes I know that; but there is still time for grumbling and the like. You know I have trouble with brother so-in-so or sister do-little. I have time the Judge is just standing at the door, or as some would say; He is just drawing near. I have time, I know because I have done this before many times. My earlier spiritual walk can rest for the moment. I am not a prophets and I do not have the patience of Job. Certainly, I know what I am doing and the LORD is very compassionate and merciful when it comes to my grumbling.

But then, I speak in the name of the LORD and yet I am told in scripture that I need patience and I do count those who have it “blessed”! Awe, maybe I should stop swearing. Now I do not curse; but I do declare that brother so-in-so and sister do-little get on my nerves. A simple yes and no is all it takes! “Yes I believe the LORD is coming” No His coming is not in general, He is not coming for everyone. PRAISE GOD, HE’S COMING FOR ME. (The rest of the song). If this truth is on your mind; brother so-in-so and sister do-little will not be.

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