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Thursday, March 15, 2012

The Devotional – A Look at the Book #671

by Jesse Abel

Thought for Today
There are four Divine Institutions established by God for mankind to live by! One God; One man for one woman; One family and One Nation. These are fully developed from Genesis One through Genesis Twelve. When we have no regard for God, we destroy His Institutions, such as; Marriage in this country is nearly destroyed. 1 Corinthians 7:1-40

Once when I was small I saw my father all beaten up. He was so badly beaten that his face needed surgery. Since my mother did not seem to be worried but rather angry at him, I too felt angered and critical over his injuries. Of course, I did not let on that I was angry, only my mom. But inside I was boiling mad; why had he allowed this to happen and why didn’t he fight back. Really I had no way of knowing whether he fought back or not, I knew none of the circumstances. I did learn that he had been caught cheating at a poker game. The world around us is full of cheating poker players. You do know that; don’t you? Now you are going to think that I never got over that beating that my dad took for cheating. A worthy thought on your part but wrong. Have you not noticed that most of the transactions you are involved in that you come away thinking… “I wonder if that person or place of business treated me fairly!” If you are thinking this then no doubt that either the potential was there for cheating to occur, or you were cheated. Now there is another side of the coin… maybe your action were that of the cheater! There is a short book in the Holy Bible titled “Esther”. All cheating is a conspiracy to do evil and please notice what a man by the name of Haman conspires to do and the out come. Esther 1:1- through Esther10:3 now this sounds like a lot of reading, but it is not and if you have time… it is a good read.

Lamentations 1:5 – Some times I feel exhausted with going over and over again in writing about things that seem so obvious to me and honestly I do wish that I were wrong. Now, I do not say that I am so absolutely right that there is no wiggle room for error, but if we as a nation would take a recess from all of the blinding hype that is published by the liberal media we might be able to dig ourselves out from under the dung of the day. Our adversaries… yes we have enemies and these enemies, like it are not are in our face and prospering in our local cities and towns all across this nation.

Do I hear a “so what?” if so then some of us are the problem in that we have become so liberal minded that we are of no national good. In other words we have become more protective of our sinfulness as a nation by trading in, Divine institutional responsibility for human goodness. What is human goodness Jesse? Well, it is human goodness to say that abortion is not murder while The One God says that to take a human life intentionally is murder, to say that same sex marriages in normal, when The One God says that one man for one woman is normal and that all other forms of marriage promote SIN.

To decide to have as many children as one can produce with as many partners as one can accommodate in a life time is selfishness, but it is the way of this nation today! God condemns this action and calls this a multitude of transgression. So the little children that are fostered in these conditions are blight on the nation, not a blessing. So why is it important that we establish strong national boundaries? Obviously our liberal minds have no clue that there is a major push, by Continental Americans to control our government and freedom. But this is a small effort to chip away at our strength for the much larger enemy called for by religion… the work of the devil or the axis of evil.

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