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Wednesday, March 28, 2012

The Devotional – A Look at the Book #678

by Jesse Abel

Meditate on this!
Psalm 19 is a masterpiece of wisdom and better then a gold mine for the prospector who seeks to know God. The law of God is perfect; it is able to restore the soul of man to a right relationship with the Creator. Oh if we could understand the value of this truth. Psalm 19:7

When is the right time to share the LORD Jesus with someone who is unsaved? I believe that if that moment is not ordained by God, then the effort will fall on deaf ears. So this brings up another question; are there prerequisites; in other words are we to be prepared? Colossians 4:2-6, I believe that there is enough evidence in the Holy Bible to say yes. Even the thief as we have titled him on the cross next to Jesus was prepared and the timing of his salvation was evident. Luke 23:43; since the other Gospels do not mention the thief’s conversion; would this indicate that only twenty five percent of God’s qualified saints are prepared too witness the work of God that brings justification to the; whosoever wills? I recall to mind that on most of the submarines I served on about ten percent (13) of the men were saved, but only two or three of these men were willing to walk in wisdom and redeem the time. I do not have a lot to do with percentages, but it is evident… at least from my simple observation that our nation is in trouble. This trouble is not because of all of the worldly hype that falls out of the mouth and actions of the unsaved, or even those so called Christians, but if you boil off all of this dross you will see that very few of us saints (believers) are praying that God would open the door for a word of truth to be spoken. Yes; like a fine recipe; our speech should always be with grace and seasoned with salt in order that we might know how to answer each prepared heart.

Sometimes our personal misconceptions block our view of the grace of God. In our upbringing we gain characteristics that are developed by our moms and dads. If they are deceived in some way we too become deceived. As we get older we either develop in the like mindedness of that deception or we come to a point when we realize the error and seek to make changes. Even when change does happen there will be excess baggage that does not easily go away. Many traits of our family follow us to our grave.

In Ephesians 4:25-32 we are commanded by God to not grieve the Holy Spirit whom He has given to us. How do we grieve the Spirit? At the top of the list is lying, next anger, then giving place to the devil and stealing is in these verses too along with corrupt communication. As we march through the final verses God points out through the apostle a list of sins that grieve God. Bitterness, wrath, anger, loud quarreling and evil speaking; these ought not to be found in the house of God, nor in the homes of his saints.

Anger is unavoidable, it is an emotion that occurs everyday, Paul under the power of the Holy Spirit says that we can be angry, but not to sin as a result of it. When we sin we immediately knock out fellowship with God and the person we are angry at. This does not, nor will it ever produce the tenderheartedness that God calls each of us too. Forgiveness is a choice; it is also one of those “one another” commands from the Word of God that basically says, “I first, demonstrated my love to you through my Son Jesus” Romans 5:8. If I can forgive you and I have, why should you hold a different point of view?

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