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Monday, March 26, 2012

The Devotional – A Look at the Book #677

by Jesse Abel

Meditate on this!
 The Sun of our galaxy is the largest object that God created. Human estimation is that the sun is roughly 10,000 degrees Fahrenheit at the surface. As a believer in God and Creation the sun has fulfilled the Plan of God for the last six plus thousand years in perfect obedience to God. Are you not thankful to God for this truth? As far as I can tell… evolution is disobedient to every claim made by man. Psalm 19:4b-6

I am not sure if this little story is true, but I can see it happening; especially in those days when groups of believers would go door to door handing out tracts and sharing the gospel. One young girl of twelve reportedly went to the door of a house alone since everyone else had fanned out to other neighboring homes. She knocked on the door and eventually the door opened and a scantly clad middle-aged man stood staring down at her. “What do you want girl?” was the reply. The young girl was shocked at the sight before her; she had never seen anyone look so shabby, also the air coming out of the house reeked, she became frightened and it was as if all of her planned words took wings and flew away, and she simply did not know what to say! The man said harshly; “little girl; why did you knock on my door? Her reply! “And as it is appointed for men to die once, but after this the judgment” and she turned and ran back to the main sidewalk and back to the others of the church who were returning too. The middle aged man was worried about the girl’s statement, in fact; as his worry increased and he began seeking to find out what prompted the girls visit. He asked a neighbor and it was explained that the girl and the group she was with came from the local church just a few blocks away. Before the following Sunday, the man met with the pastor of the church and asked him to explain the girl’s comment. Then Sunday came and after the service the man searched out the little girl and thanked her for sharing Jesus with him on the day he was considering suicide. So what verse is it? Her Sunday school memory verse of the week before Hebrews 9:27.

A View from Psalm 24… and 25
The earth belongs to the LORD and all the fullness of it. The world and those who dwell in it belong to Him too. So how does that grab you? Do you believe it or do you think that God lies. Woe to you if you do! You and I belong to the LORD God who created the heavens and the earth. Even the oceans, rivers, lakes and ponds know this. His laws are so effective that all of nature obeys His every command. Of course to fully understand this truth you would need to believe that He is God and is the rewarder to those who diligently seek Him. Psalm 24 and Hebrews 11:6

We cannot know how wonderful God is in our fallen condition as Adam’s descendant. We cannot go where God is and ask Him. Our hands have handled the sin of the world and our heart is not pure. If you have ever involved yourself with an idol; Oh, come on now, anything that distracts you from coming to God is an idol. How about those under the breath swear words, yes there are five strikes against you in these few passages of Psalm 24:3-4

Notice though that God reveals the other side of these condemning strikes; mankind the only disobedient segment of creation, apart from the fallen angels has the wonderful opportunity to be obedient. The remainder of this Psalm points to God’s love and forgiveness. Notice that for His Name’s sake He will pardon you just as He did for King David. You say well I do not see that in Psalm 24. Right! You will have to read at least to verse 11 of Psalm 25. The Kingdom belongs to God; just as His forgiveness and deliverance does too. John 3:16

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