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Tuesday, March 20, 2012

The Devotional – A Look at the Book #673

by Jesse Abel

Meditate on this!
Do you know the name of the janitor where you work? Most of us do not! Is it important to know his or her name? God knows the janitor’s name and yours too! There are several books that God has the names and deeds of all the living and the dead. Check it out – Revelation 20:11-15

Time is marching on today and I am well behind, so this section will be left blank. (I don’t think so!!!) Ever notice those big volumes of “how to” books. You open the book and the first page you see is blank, with the words boldly written. This page is intentionally left blank! I always get a laugh from that statement don’t you? Then as if that were not enough… again at the end of every chapter, another blank page with the same dumb statement. “This page is intentionally left blank” my first thought is… hey Mr. Publisher the page is not blank, it has the statement of “This page is intentionally left blank” on it. Are you not totally thankful to God our Father who teaches us the good things of life, who fills our hearts with joy and peace? Have you noticed too like king David that the thoughts of the LORD toward us are so many in number that these out-number the sand on the seashore? When He reminds us of His love for us, He does so with JOY! Psalm 40:5 and Psalm 139:1-24 and rejoice; there is not one intentional blank page.
Lamentations 1:7-22 – There is a lot in this first chapter of Lamentations that parallels the current events in the lives of people today here in the United States of America, if we do not see this; we are then like the contemporary proverb: If you are not a part of the solution, then you are a part of the problem! Now let’s take a brief look at the problem.

Take the time to read this chapter, there is every kind of sin, transgression and iniquity being carried out by the nation of Israel. I am not going to list the sins since you are taking the two or three minutes to read. Now the question I have is this! Are you the problem since you are no longer the virgin daughter or man of valor? Is the problem all of the corruption of government, or is it all the greed found in private enterprise? No! Emphatically NO! These are only the resulting conditions of something much worse.

The problem is that this nation which includes the responsibility of you and me has turned it’s backside to their Creator. We have rejected peace with God and He has turned us over; individually and nationally to way of life we have chosen. This way is found in Romans 1:18-32. Someone recently said… well how do you make this conclusion? Well, number one: God has ordained His Word as Truth and it is trustworthy beyond anything else we might read. Okay, you might agree here… but how did I start down such a slippery slope? If you were ever disobedience to your parents; this was the turning point. Romans 1:30.

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