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Monday, August 11, 2014

The devotional - 1506 - Another Look!

The Devotional – 1506 – Another Look!
Psalm 119:41-48 – Let Your mercies come also to me, O Lord -- Your salvation according to Your Word. So shall I have an answer for him who reproaches me, for I trust in Your word. And take not the word of truth utterly out of my mouth, for I have hoped in Your ordinances. So shall I keep Your law continually, forever and ever. And I will walk at liberty, for I seek Your precepts. I will speak of Your testimonies also before kings, and will not be ashamed. And I will delight myself in Your commandments, which I love. My hands also I will lift up to Your commandments, which I love, and I will meditate on Your statutes. 

Comments and Challenges: WAW (revisited)
Psalm 119:41 – While it may appear that the writer is seeking Salvation Justification in this verse, he is not. We all have personal names that only close personal friends or family use, everyone else will use our proper name. Such is the case here as the personal name of YAHWEH reveals a personal relationship existing between the writer and God. What then does the psalmist request mean or what is he referring to? The first phase of salvation for our psalmist and our self is to understand and trust that sins are appeased or satisfied at the Mercy Seat (Old Testament propitiation). See Romans 3:25; 1 John 2:2 and 1 John 4:10 as Jesus, the Son of God is our Mersey Seat, His Blood satisfied the “certificate of debt” or “ordinance” (Colossians 2:11-15). So our psalmist is looking to his friendship with God that he already has to be delivered or saved from enemies, which is our daily walk of being SANCTIFIED or made holy.

Thus he calls his Savior YAHWEH and not ELOHIM a word for God which unbelieving people call Him. To see this we will take a look at the one time our writer uses the word ELOHIM in Psalm 119:115. In the file [SAMECH] his focus is on the double-mindedness of unbelievers, evildoers who reject the Joy or STATUTES of the LORD. He uses the proper name of God [ELOHIM] that unbelievers know and fear as he says; “My flesh trembles for fear of YOU, and I am afraid of Your JUDGMENTS. Today is no different than in the days of this Psalm writer. If you know JESUS you know HIM PERSONALLY; if you do not know Him, then you will take His Personal Name in vain and angrily shake your fist at ELOHIM/GOD, more simply said, you are an unbeliever and an evildoer.

Over the weekend our Pastor walked the congregation through the studies he provided for the young people of our church during summer camp this year. He challenged the young people to the daily study of the written Word of God. This is the same challenge that every person should be encouraged in; young or old we simply cannot afford to miss one day in the study of the Living Word of God. As a man with age I sometime mourn the loss of fellowship with Jesus Christ. This mourning is a two sided coin in that on one side as an unbeliever, I cursed the God I now love and missed many opportunites to fellowship with HIM. On the other side of that coin, many years as a friend of Jesus I walked about in the wilderness being a “brat”.

In closing out today just let me say this; while the psalmist speaks of the JUDGMENTS, the LAW, the PRECEPTS, the TESTIMONIES, the COMMANDMENTS and the STATUTES of YAHWEH we must take note. He is not relating to these FOUNDATIONAL Truths about his Personal God in fear and trembling. What he does say is this; because of Your Word which I trust; I have an answer for those who are a reproach to me. Help me to recall Your Word of Truth for I have hope in Your Judgments. Your Law is not burdensome therefore I can walk at liberty as I seek Your Precepts. Your Testimonies are my delight and I will share these, even with kings and I will not be ashamed. I love your Commandments too and as I meditate on Your Statutes I will rejoice in all of Your Decrees.

In churches throughout this nation we have MISSED the mark; we are worshiping the golden calf today in most churches just as Israel did in Exodus 32. Instead of the Precepts, Testimonies, Commandments, Law, Judgments and Statutes of our Personal God, we are sounding like we are at WAR, just as Joshua heard as he and Moses returned to the camp. Exodus 32:15-24 – But there are good Pastors and Teachers of the Holy Word of God who say like Moses said: “It is not the voice of those who shout in victory, nor is it the voice of those who cry out in defeat, but the voice of those who sing that I hear”. Like Moses, the Pastors and Teachers of solid Bible Teaching churches are “Hot” with anger or may I say “Righteous Indignation” at the idolatrous ways of many churches today who “COVENANT” with religion over Truth.

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